

单词 length
释义 length
\ˈleŋ(k)th, ˈlen(t)th\ noun
(plural lengths \-ths, ˈleŋks\)
Etymology: Middle English lengthe, from Old English lengthu (akin to Old Frisian lengethe length, Middle Dutch lengede, lengde, Old Norse lengd), from lang, long long + -thu -th — more at long
 a. : the longer of the 2 straight-line dimensions of a surface or plane or the longest of the 3 straight-line dimensions of a solid : extent from end to end — distinguished from width
  < the island was three miles in length >
 b. : a distance or dimension expressed in units of linear measure
  < a length of 10 inches >
 c. : the quality or state of being long — opposed to shortness
  < weariness and boredom exaggerated the length of the journey >
 d. : wavelength
 a. : duration or extent in time
  < doesn't seem to prove much, considering the lengths of the lives of both women — Elizabeth Bishop >
  < stood weaving on his feet for the length of a long breath — F.B.Gipson >
  < finally the length of the high school was standardized … at four years — T.H.Briggs >
  (1) : relative duration of a sound (as a vowel or syllable in speech or prosody or a note in music)
  (2) : protracted duration or stress of a sound in speech, prosody, or music
   < the long a gives the word sale its length >
 c. archaic : prolixity or excess in expression
  < there is such length in grief — Shakespeare >
 a. : distance or extent in space
  < it would be hard, even in New England, to match Main Street for its length of 18th century square houses — Elizabeth Coatsworth >
  < appeared dimly white round a distant bend of the dusty road, a weary length behind — Haldane Macfall >
  (1) : the measure of something taken as a unit of distance
   < darted across the highway scarcely two car lengths ahead of me >
   < kept most of his acquaintances at arm's length >
  (2) : the length of a competitor (as a horse or boat) taken as a unit in stating the margin of a lead or of victory in a race
   < he led by three lengths at the top of the stretch >
  (3) : the fully extended body
   < stretched her length lazily on the warm earth >
   < took a hard right on the jaw and measured his length on the floor >
 a. chiefly Scotland : an indicated or specified distance
  < I'll go with you the length to the hall >
 b. : the degree, limit, or extreme to which a course of action or a line of thought or discussion is carried
  < tended to carry his policy of masterly inactivity to dangerous lengths — Harvey Graham >
  < even went the length of reading the play … to ascertain what it was all about — G.B.Shaw >
  < here we see the foolish lengths to which human malevolence will go — Norman Douglas >
 a. : a long expanse or stretch
  < brushed her lengths of lustrous hair >
  < large lengths of seas and shores between my father and my mother lay — Shakespeare >
 b. : a piece constituting or usable as part of a whole or of a connected series : segment, section
  < steel bars are furnished in standard shapes and sizes, in both coils and straight lengthsadvt >
  < short lengths of film with both ends spliced together to permit continuous repetition — W.F.Mackey >
 a. : fluidity
 b. : ability to yield a fluid mixture — compare oil length
7. archaic : a 42-line portion of an actor's part
8. : the volume of wort drawn from a quantity of malt during brewing
9. : the holding of more than a player's proportionate share of the cards of one suit in a card game (as four or more at bridge)
 < he had length in trumps >
 a. : the distance an especially well pitched ball in cricket travels before hitting the ground
  < bowled a good length >
  < pitched the ball a fraction short of a length — Ray Robinson >
 b. : the distance to be shot in archery
11. : the vertical dimension of an article of clothing especially with reference to the part of the body it reaches or its height above the floor
 < stockings are made in three lengths >
 < evening dresses in short and long lengths >
 < knee-length pants >
 < a hip-length jacket >
 < a floor-length gown >

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