单词 | leave |
释义 | leave I. transitive verb 1. a. < left a fortune to his wife > < was left a substantial legacy > b. (1) < left a widow and two children > < left many water color sketches that … have won for him a significant place — American Guide Series: Minnesota > < prehistoric peoples left behind material witnesses to their cultures — Brewton Berry > (2) < left a large stain on the tablecloth > < a wound that would probably leave a scar > < these cheerful trees would leave a sorry gap … if they were to disappear — Tom Marvel > (3) < the educational system under English rule left the Irish-speaking people illiterate in their native tongue — David Greene > < the incident left him furious > < the war left Rome exhausted — W.K.Ferguson > < his rhetoric leaves me cold > < left me in the dark as to his true intentions > < a plan that would leave younger members of the staff out in the cold > < left me holding the bag > 2. a. (1) < leave the door open > < cut down the infected trees, but left the sound ones > < took cash and jewelry, but left the stock certificates > : permit to remain unoccupied < leave room in the car for your little sister > (2) < leaving aside for the moment matters of political strategy — Y.G.Krishnamurti > < much was left undone > < left out many points of interest > also < the poor kid always gets left at home > — often used with out < she's always left out when it comes to a date or a party > (3) < 4 from 7 leaves 3 > (4) < did away with the whole pie, leaving nothing for me > < only one ton of coal is left > — often used with over < give what is left over to the dog > < too hungry to leave anything over > (5) < how much does that leave you > : yield < the price … which leaves him this profit — Adam Smith > (6) < his playing leaves much to be desired > b. (1) < leave it to you to decide — A.A.Hill > < unwilling to leave it at that — Time > < it is well to leave much to the reader's imagination — C.E.Montague > < the rest being left to the judgment of God — Irwin Shaw > (2) < leave them to work without hampering interference — Irish Digest > < was left to shift for himself > < leave him to do it himself — M.C.A.Henniker > (3) substandard < leave him go > < leave him be > < leave him have it > < leave loose of the rope > < leave him through > 3. a. (1) < left school at an early age > < leave the room this minute > < the cold did not leave him for weeks > < it was clear their zest had left them — T.B.Costain > (2) < the road now leaves the river valley and enters the hill country > (3) < the moon leaves the earth's shadow in a lunar eclipse > b. < the caller left his card > < leave your hat in the hall > < the bus left me off at the corner > 4. a. < her husband left her and she is considering a divorce > b. < left the company in May > < has a job waiting when he leaves the army > 5. a. (1) < the opium eater who cannot leave his drug — Thomas Wolfe > (2) < thinking of leaving business for research > < left her austere tales of rural New England to write a romance of the swashbuckling seventeenth century — Carl Van Doren > b. < the ground was green with celandine, that had just left blowing — Mary Webb > intransitive verb 1. obsolete a. b. 2. < time to leave for the station > < left for the office at eight sharp > Synonyms: see go, let, relinquish, will • - leave alone II. 1. a. (1) < asked leave to read a short statement > < absent by leave of the Senate on official business — Congressional Record > < came without leave to shoot on the estate — H.E.Scudder > < applied for leave to inspect it — G.B.Shaw > (2) < the subscribers take leave respectfully to inform the public — American Guide Series: Louisiana > b. (1) < canceled all leaves > < collected his leave pay > < most Federal employees earn annual leave, for vacation and other purposes — Federal Jobs Outside Continental U.S. > also < still have 2 days' leave coming to me > — often used in the phrase on leave < a professor on sabbatical leave > < on leave from his law firm for government service > < had left orders that he was not to be bothered while on leave > (2) (3) < at home on leave from a state hospital — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News > < leave privileges are not extended to freshmen > (4) < at once agreed to give the necessary leave — F.W.Crofts > < don't know if I can get leave for that long a time > 2. a. < took very courteous leave of the ladies > < took his leave about nine > < reluctantly took our leave of that pleasant town > b. < have you taken leave of your senses > < let us take leave of that subject and turn to another > 3. a. b. III. < the black locust leaves out later than the other shade trees — Brooks Atkinson > IV. chiefly dialect variant of lief |
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