

单词 lazy
释义 la·zy
I. \ˈlāzē, -zi\ adjective
Etymology: perhaps from Middle Low German lasich feeble, faint; akin to Middle High German erleswen to become weak, Old Norse lasinn dilapidated, Gothic lasiws weak, Bulgarian loš bad
 a. : disliking physical or mental exertion : not energetic or vigorous : indolent, inactive
  < having to deal with a lazy slut, might feel strongly tempted to take up the nearest broomstick — G.B.Shaw >
  < gifted but lazy artist >
 b. : encouraging or causing inactivity or indolence
  < lazy summer day >
  < lazy weather >
  < lazy chair >
 c. : marked by lack of activity
  < spent a lazy weekend at home >
  < lazy expedient >
2. : moving slowly and without or as if without energy : sluggish
 < lazy river >
 < spoke with a lazy articulation >
3. : not firmly erect : drooping, lax
 < lazy corn >
 < a rabbit with lazy ears >
 < habitually lazy posture >
4. of a letter or number : placed on its side
 < lazy E livestock brand >
 < lazy 2 on a bank note >
— see brand illustration
 lazy, indolent, slothful, and faineant can all signify not easily aroused to responsible, purposeful activity. lazy stresses an aversion to work and a habitual tendency to idleness
  < we were too lazy … We passed our indolent days leaving everything to somebody else — H.G.Wells >
  < the lion is by nature so essentially lazy that he will never do more hunting than he feels to be necessary — James Stevenson-Hamilton >
  < even when the heat is not extreme, a sudden rise may make us uncomfortable and lazy, as often occurs in the spring — Ellsworth Huntington >
  indolent implies a constitutional love of ease and inactivity or dislike of purposeful activity
  < an indolent son sleeping away his life >
  < he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards — Jane Austen >
  < life is more leisured without being essentially indolentAmerican Guide Series: Virginia >
  slothful suggests temperamental inactivity or slowness when action or speed is called for
  < he would use political means to jog a slothful conscience and marshal its forces — V.L.Parrington >
  < waiting for the hostler's slothful boy to bring out the horses — American Guide Series: Virginia >
  faineant, now infrequent, implies a disposition to do nothing even under urgency
  < in a typical statement of the faineant judicial philosophy he sometimes espouses, [he] refused to put judgment on so slender a foundation — E.V.Rostov >
  < to avoid all issues by electing a faineant mayor and city council >
II. verb
: to move or lie lazily : laze




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