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ti·ara \tēˈa(a)rə, -ˈerə, -ˈärə, -ˈȧrə sometimes tīˈa(a)- or tīˈe-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin, from Greek tiara, tiaras 1. a. : a headdress worn by the ancient Persians; specifically : a high and erect royal tiara encircled with a diadem b. : the pope's triple crown 2. : a decorative band or semicircular ornament for the head often made of flowers, fabric, or metal for wear by women on formal occasions 3. a. also ti·are \tēˈa(a)](ə)r, -ˈe], ]ə\ [tiare from French, tiara, from Latin tiara] : any of several fragrant-flowered shrubs of the genus Gardenia found in Pacific islands b. : miter 3
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