单词 | delay |
释义 | de·lay I. 1. < delay in aircraft production > < delay and uncertainty could cripple our industries > 2. a. < the delays incident to diplomacy > b. < a delay of 30 minutes > II. transitive verb 1. < we decided to delay our departure until the weather improved > 2. a. < the mails were delayed by heavy snows > < the upper house is delaying the passage of important bills > b. < delayed resolution in pneumonia > < a heavy child, delayed in walking > 3. archaic intransitive verb Synonyms: < a storm delayed the ship for an hour > < the opening of the school year had been delayed by an epidemic — American Guide Series: Minnesota > < the symptoms of poisoning may be delayed for several days — H.G.Armstrong > < a criminal court jury on which I served delayed a verdict all afternoon — C.G.Jameson > retard implies a reduction of speed or rate of motion often by interference < snow retarded the car considerably > < shortages of labor continue to retard production — Americana Annual > < other factors retarded progress toward a stable economy — Collier's Year Book > < secrecy in research is bound to retard the growth of science as a whole — Hartley Shawcross > slow, often with down or up, and slacken also imply a reduction in speed or rate, slow often implying intention, slacken stressing an easing up, letting up, or relaxation of effort < as we turned into Compton Street together he slowed his step — G.W.Brace > < lack of coordination in the past has slowed extensive conservation of water resources — American Guide Series: Texas > < perhaps existence was slowing down a trifle — Sylvia Berkman > < a bounty of $150 on every live Indian brought in somewhat slowed up the general shooting — Marjory S. Douglas > < their rate of growth slackens as they age — L.P.Schultz > < the river broadens, slackening its pace as it spreads out and turns — Ted Sumner > < economic expansion had slackened — Oscar Handlin > detain implies a holding back or being held back beyond an appointed or reasonable time, whether deliberate or not < I slipped my arm around her slender body to detain her — W.H.Hudson †1922 > < on the voyage thither they were detained in Honolulu — R.S.Kuykendall > < after being detained in England by the war then raging with Spain, White returned to Roanoke Island — American Guide Series: North Carolina > Synonyms: < do not delay in sending for your copies. Fill out the attached form today — Current History > < genuine success seemed as usual to delay and postpone itself — Arnold Bennett > < to delay foolishly until all opportunity is past > procrastinate suggests blameworthy delay as from laziness, indifference, or habitual inertia < to fumble, to vacillate, to procrastinate and so let war come creeping upon us almost unawares — W.A.White > < to procrastinate in letter writing and lose friends > lag implies a failure to maintain a required or desirable speed < for half the race the one who finally won had lagged behind the others, conserving his strength > < work on the fort had lagged — American Guide Series: Arkansas > < confidence in the administration lagged until enemies of the regime were emboldened recently to attempt a revolution — P.P.Kennedy > loiter implies a delay while in progress, especially walking, often suggesting a lingering about or an aimless sauntering < a child loitering on the way to school > < after breakfasting he walked down the hill and loitered about the little streets — Willa Cather > dawdle implies a slighter delay in progress than loiter but connotes more strongly an aimlessness or a taking of more time than is necessary < I did not hurry the rest of the way home; but neither did I dawdle — V.G.Heiser > < the sun dawdles intolerably on the threshold like a tedious guest — Jan Struther > dally and, more strongly, dillydally suggest wasting time in trifling, pottering, or vacillation < while the men dallied, the dogs set off briskly of their own accord — J.T.McNish > < they dallied to make mud pies or just to get themselves as muddy as time permitted — English Digest > < because the government had dillydallied with new export rules, trading in hides and skins had all but stopped — Time > < the protagonist is a maundering fellow who dillydallies too much in getting his murdering done — Margery Bailey > III. obsolete a. b. IV. |
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