

单词 knuckle
释义 knuck·le
I. \ˈnəkəl\ noun
Etymology: Middle English knokel; akin to Middle Low German knökel knuckle, Middle High German knöchel, knüchel; diminutives from the root of Middle Low German knoke bone, Middle Low German knoche; akin to Old English cnycled bent, Old Norse knykill small knot, Old English cnotta knot — more at knot
  (1) : the joint where the ends of two bones meet or articulate
  (2) : the tarsal or carpal joint and the parts including the flesh immediately above or below in a quadruped (as a pig) used for food : the knee or hock joint and adjoining parts of a quadruped; often : the shank of a quadruped used as food
  (3) : the shoulder joint of a whale
  (1) : a rounded prominence formed by bending a joint where two bones meet or articulate; especially : one of the prominences formed at each of the joints and bases of the fingers of the human hand when the hand is shut or when the fingers are clenched
  (2) : a projection at the carpal or tarsal joints of a quadruped
2. : something that protrudes like a knuckle, that is shaped like a knuckle, or that is otherwise suggestive of a knuckle: as
 a. : a sharply flexed loop of intestines incarcerated in a hernia
  (1) : one of the joining parts of a hinge through which a pin or rivet passes
  (2) : knuckle joint
  (3) : the rotating piece used for the coupling device in various forms of automatic car couplings (as the rotating hook of a railroad-car coupler designed to hook up with the coupler of another car)
  (1) : the meeting of two surfaces at a sharp angle (as in a roof or as in the timbers of a ship)
  (2) : the outer part of a sharply angled jetty, a breakwater, or other construction at or along a shore
 d. : a small, decorative, carved, or rolled terminal part especially on a piece of furniture (as at the end of one of the arms of a chair)
 e. : a chunk or knob of rock
  < their bodies calloused by knuckles of falling rock — Robert Payne >
 f. : a point or support on which something pivots or turns : pivotal point
  < the ship used the end of the pier as a knuckle for swinging around >
3. knuckles plural but singular or plural in construction : brass knuckles

- near the knuckle
II. verb
(knuckled ; knuckled ; knuckling \-k(ə)liŋ\ ; knuckles)
intransitive verb
1. : to knuckle under
 < knuckled to no pressure groups — Newsweek >
2. : to project or protrude like a knuckle
3. : to be affected with cocked ankles — usually used of a horse or of an affected fetlock joint and often with over
 < knuckles over badly on the off hind leg >
 < the fetlocks of colts may knuckle for some time after birth without permanent harm >
transitive verb
1. : to strike
 < the seaman knuckled his forehead and wheeled around — Clark Russell >
or press or rub with the knuckles
 < shook himself and rose, knuckling his eyes — Lawrence Durrell >
 < he knuckled his hair and he frowned — Thurston Scott >
2. : to shoot (a marble) from between the knuckle of the thumb and the bent forefinger
3. : to form a bend or a knuckle joint in (as steel plates or wire fencing)




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