释义 |
ter·mi·na·tive I. \ˈtərməˌnā]d.]iv, ˈtə̄m-, ˈtəim-, -m(ə)nə], ]t], ]ēv also ]əv\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin terminativus, from Latin terminatus + -ivus -ive 1. a. : tending or serving to put an end to or set a limit to something b. : coming to an end : ending < contracts terminative with the cessation of hostilities > 2. a. : relating to a verb or a verbal form which expresses the action as complete or denotes the end or completion of the action — compare perfective 2 b. : denoting direction toward < terminative case of a noun > • ter·mi·na·tive·ly \]ə̇vlē, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) : the terminative case or a form in the terminative case |