

单词 plastic
释义 plas·tic
I. \ˈplastik, -laas-, -lais-, -tēk\ adjective
Etymology: Latin plasticus, from Greek plastikos, from plastos formed, molded (verbal of plassein to form, mold) + -ikos -ic — more at plaster
 a. : giving form : having power to form or create : creative, formative
  < the poor plastic power, such as it is, within me set to work — Charles Lamb >
  < in these plastic moments, everything is possible — Béla Menczer >
 b. : giving or able to give material or sensible form to conceptions of color, shape, tone, or movement arising from the subconscious
  < plastic sensibility — Herbert Read >
 a. : capable of being modeled or shaped : susceptible of modification or change
  < plastic clay >
  < the plastic quality of concrete before it hardens >
 b. : easily changed or modified : pliant, impressionable
  < strongest impressions are registered on the plastic and emerging personality — Diseases of the Nervous System >
  < plastic affections of children — H.G.Wells >
 c. : characterized by mobility, pliancy, and flow or the simulation of these qualities
  < plastic dances >
  < plastic and impressionistic style of modeling — Encyc. Americana >
  < peasant woman of superb and plastic proportions — Hervey Allen >
  < has the plastic face and the genuine warmth of personality which should make him a television natural — D.F.Schoenbrun >
  (1) : relating to, composed of, or producing three-dimensional forms or movement; especially : showing or producing a forceful effect of three-dimensional, cohesive form : sculptural
   < plastic aim in stonework — J.J.Sweeney >
  (2) : having or producing the illusion of sculpture or relief
   < a plastic figure in painting >
   < of the several plastic means, he used color most sparingly — Sheldon Cheney >
  (3) : of, relating to, or employing plastique
   < the plastic form and architectural construction of postwar ballets — Leonide Zarine >
 b. : characterized by concern with or emphasis upon form, solidity, and space as depicted especially by means of lines, colors, or planes and especially as differentiated from concern for illustrative content or decorative detail
  < used color not only for decorative but for plastic purposes — David Sylvester >
  < plastic isolation of the objects against a uniform ground — J.T.Soby & A.H.Barr b. 1902 >
  < plastic light brings out the three-dimensional qualities of set, scenery, or talent — Herbert True >
 c. : having or producing coherency, harmony, and vitality of form : organic
  < revolutionary sense of the plastic whole — F.L.Wright >
 a. : capable of being deformed continuously and permanently in any direction without rupture under a stress exceeding the yield value
  < the plastic yielding of rocks — C.M.Nevin >
  < slow movement of the plastic ice — V.C.Finch & G.T.Trewartha >
  — distinguished from elastic
 b. : of, relating to, or produced by plastic flow
  < existence of a limiting stress below which no plastic strain occurs — R.S.T.Kingston & L.D.Armstrong >
5. biology
 a. : capable of variation and phylogenetic change : adaptable
  < a plastic genus >
  < a plastic species >
 b. : capable of growth, repair, or differentiation
  < a plastic tissue >
6. : of, relating to, involving, or by means of plastic surgery
 < plastic repair >
7. : of or relating to plastics : made of a plastic
 < plastic dishes >
 < plastic ropes >
 < plastic manufacturing >
 pliable, pliant, ductile, malleable, adaptable: plastic may describe substances soft enough to mold and often liable to subsequent hardening and becoming fixed
  < a plastic tar >
  < toys made of plastic substances >
  < when children are small we elders in charge are apt to suppose them altogether plastic — H.G.Wells >
  pliable suggests something easily bent, twisted, or manipulated
  < pliable willow twigs >
  < I've always been a pliable sort of person, and I let the ladies guide me — Upton Sinclair >
  < a sturdier quality, which made her less pliable to the influence of other minds — Nathaniel Hawthorne >
  pliant may stress flexibility to a slightly greater degree than pliable but sometimes lacks the suggestions of submissiveness of the latter word
  < a pliant rod >
  < in all these countries the Norse nature, supple and pliant, accepted the gifts of new experience, and in return imparted strength of purpose to peoples with whom the Norsemen mingled in marriage as well as war — H.O.Taylor >
  ductile describes what can be drawn out
  < ductile copper wire >
  or easily led or induced to flow
  < a ductile liquid >
  In ref. to persons it indicates complaisance or responsiveness to formative influences
  < he is a big dimpled child with cream and rose complexion, self-willed yet ductile. He can be managed, if his petulance is understood — Francis Hackett >
  malleable refers to what may be beaten into shape
  < thin gold leaf is very malleable >
  In ref. to persons it may indicate plasticity and may but does not necessarily suggest weakness and lack of independent will
  < children, malleable as yet, innocent and unformed. He may impress their minds most dangerously — Elinor Wylie >
  < long enough for the Communist overseers to spot the more malleable individuals and concentrate on converting them into tools — Gladwin Hill >
  adaptable, generally complimentary, applies to a thing, condition, or person that modifies readily to adjust to circumstances
  < an adaptable appliance >
  < have proved themselves an uncommonly adaptable people — American Guide Series: Arizona >
II. noun
Etymology: Late Latin plasticus, n., from Latin plasticus, adjective, plastic
1. archaic : molder, sculptor
2. [Middle French plastique, from plastique, adjective, plastic, from Latin plasticus]
 a. : the art of modeling or sculpturing figures — often used in plural but sing. or plural in constr.
 b. : plastique
  (1) : a substance that at some stage in its manufacture or processing can be shaped by flow (as by application of heat or pressure) with or without fillers, plasticizers, reinforcing agents, or other compounding ingredients and that can retain the new solid often rigid shape under conditions of use
  (2) : any of a large group of materials of high molecular weight that usually contain as the essential ingredient a synthetic or semisynthetic organic substance made by polymerization or condensation (as polystyrene or a phenol-formaldehyde resin) or derived from a natural material by chemical treatment (as nitrocellulose from cellulose), that are molded, cast, extruded, drawn, or laminated under various conditions (as by heat in the case of thermoplastic materials, by chemical condensation in the case of thermosetting materials or polyesters, or by casting during polymerization of monomers) into objects of all sizes and shapes including films and filaments — often used in plural but sing. in constr.; compare elastomer, resin 2, rubber 2a, synthetic rubber
 b. : an article fabricated from a plastic
4. plastics plural but singular or plural in construction : plastic surgery
III. adjective
: having a quality suggestive of objects mass-produced in plastic ; especially : lacking in vitality, originality, or sincerity
 < plastic smiles >
 < a plastic marriage >
 < vilified our skyway-filled downtowns, calling them lifeless and plastic — Brian Lowey >
IV. noun
: credit cards used for payment
 < the bill was £17.00, the banks were closed, and they don't take plastic — David Coombs >




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