

单词 agnostic
释义 ag·nos·tic
I. \agˈnästik, ə̇g-, aig-, -ēk\ noun
Etymology: modification (influenced by English Gnostic) of Greek agnōstos unknown, unknowable, not knowing, from a- a- (II) + gnōstos known, from gignōskein to know — more at know
: one who professes agnosticism; broadly : one who maintains a continuing doubt about the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimates
 < agnostic … came into my head as suggestively antithetic to the gnostic of church history who professed to know so much — T.H.Huxley >
 agnostic, freethinker, and atheist can all apply to one who does not take an orthodox religious position. agnostic is the most neutral; it usually implies only an unwillingness on available evidence to affirm or deny the existence of God or subscribe to tenets that presuppose such existence. freethinker is broader; it can apply to one of no determinable religious position or to one who feels truth is made more available by not committing oneself to any orthodoxy, especially a belief in God's existence. Often it can suggest a reprehensible and dangerous license of opinion. atheist can apply strictly and neutrally to one who denies the existence of God or tenets presupposing it. More frequently than freethinker, however, it has carried ideas of reprehensible license of opinion and menacing godlessness.
II. \(ˈ)a(i)g|n-, ə̇gˈn-\ adjective
also ag·nos·ti·cal \-tə̇kəl, -ēk-\
1. : relating to or involving agnosticism; especially : professing ignorance or uncertainty about the ultimates usually on the ground of unknowability
 < so far as faith in God is concerned they are agnostic rather than atheistic — W.L.Sperry >
2. : characterized by tolerance : undogmatic
ag·nos·ti·cal·ly \-ə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li\ adverb
III. \(ˈ)ag|nōstik\ adjective
Etymology: Greek agnōstos + English -ic
: of, relating to, or characterized by agnosia
 < agnostic symptoms >
IV. noun
: one who is a subject of agnosia
V. noun
: a person unwilling to commit to an opinion about something
 < most researchers remain agnostics, awaiting some observation or theoretical development — Charles Meegan >
VI. adjective
: noncommittal 1
 < stubbornly agnostic about the free market — Sarah Wright >




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