

单词 aegagropila
释义 ae·ga·grop·i·la
\ˌēgəˈgräpələ\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek aigagros + Latin pila ball, from pilus hair — more at pile
1. also ae·gag·ro·pile or egag·ro·pile \ēˈgagrōˌpīl\plural aegagropilas \ˌēgəˈgräpələz\ or aegagropilae \-ˌlē\ also aegagropiles or egagropiles \ēˈgagrōpīlz\ : a ball of hair or a concretion found in the stomach of the goat and other ruminants
2. plural aegagropilas or aegagropilae : a ball-shaped mass of hairlike filaments formed by some algae (as certain species of the genus Cladophora)
3. capitalized, in some classifications : a genus of algae comprising all forms forming aegagropilas
ae·ga·grop·i·lous \|ēgə|gräpələs\ adjective




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