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adult I. \əˈdəlt, ˈaˌdəlt also aˈd- or ˈadəlt\ adjective Etymology: Latin adultus, past participle of adolescere to grow up, from ad- + -olescere (from alescere to grow, incho. of alere to nourish) — more at old 1. : fully developed (as in size, strength, or intellectual capacity) : fully mature : grown-up < an adult man > < an adult lion > < an adult plant > 2. : of or belonging to adults < the standards of the adult world — Saturday Review > 3. : evidencing the maturity (as the intellectual maturity) usually associated with an adult < his adult approach to the problem > 4. a. : on a par with the maturity usually associated with an adult < a thoroughly adult comedy of manners > b. : designed for or restricted to adults < adult murder mysteries that children wouldn't like > • adult·ness noun -es II. noun (-s) 1. : one that has arrived at full development especially in size, strength, or intellectual capacity : one that has reached full maturity 2. a. civil law : a human male after the age of 14 or a human female after the age of 12 b. common law : a human male or female after a specific age (as 21) III. adjective : dealing in or with explicitly sexual material : pornographic < adult bookstore > < adult movie > |