释义 |
ad·u·late \ˈajəˌlāt also ˈadyəˌl- or ˈadəlˌ-\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: back-formation from adulation, from Middle English adulacioun, from Middle French adulation, from Latin adulation-, adulatio, from adulatus (past participle of adulari to flatter, to wag a tail, perhaps from ad- + a root akin to Sanskrit vāla, vāra tail, Lithuanian valaī horse's tail) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. a. : to praise effusively and slavishly : flatter excessively : fawn upon < sheepish fools that adulate every decision of their leaders > b. : to pay homage to without exercising a critical sense of values < a man who respects science without adulating it > 2. : to admire or be devoted to abjectly and excessively < teen-agers adulating the newest movie star > |