释义 |
ada·gio I. \əˈdä](ˌ)jō, äˈdä], ȧˈdȧ], əˈda], ](ˌ)zhō, ]jēˌō, ]zhēˌō\ adverb (or adjective) Etymology: Italian, from ad, a to, at (from Latin ad) + agio ease, convenience, from Prov. aize comfort, from Latin adjacens, present participle of adjacēre to be near — more at at, ease : slowly : in an easy graceful manner : in a tempo between largo and andante — used chiefly as a direction in music II. noun (-s) Etymology: Italian, from adagio, adverb 1. : a musical composition or a movement or division of a composition in adagio tempo < the adagio of a symphony > 2. a. : a series of sustained and perfectly controlled dance movements (as ballet exercises) displaying balance and grace b. : a ballet duet by a man and woman or a ballet by a mixed trio displaying difficult feats of balance, lifting, or spinning; also : an acrobatic or ballroom duet with similar feats |