

单词 acknowledge
释义 ac·knowl·edge
\ikˈnälij, ak-, ək-, -ēj, -əj, Brit sometimes -ōl-\ verb
Etymology: ac- (as in acknow) + knowledge
transitive verb
1. : to show by word or act that one has knowledge of and agrees to (a fact or truth)
 < ends generally acknowledged to be good — T.B.Macaulay >
: concede to be real or true
 < acknowledge that the bombing … was a mistake — Norman Cousins >
: admit
 a. : to show by word or act that one has knowledge of and respect for the rights, claims, authority, or status of
  < acknowledge an important contribution to the work >
  : recognize, honor, or respect especially publicly
  < acknowledged him first citizen of the town >
 b. : to take notice of : indicate recognition and acceptance of
  < she acknowledged his greeting by a slight inclination of the head >
 a. : to show by word or act that one has knowledge of and regard for (a duty, obligation, or indebtedness)
  < acknowledge their moral obligation to the people >
  : express or admit gratitude or obligation for (as a gift, favor, or obligation)
  < acknowledge his services >
 b. : to make known to a sender or giver the receipt of (what has been sent or given) or the fact of (one's having received what has been sent or given)
  < acknowledge a gift >
  < acknowledge receipt of a letter >
4. : to recognize as genuine : assent to (as a legal instrument) so as to give validity : avow or admit in legal form
 < acknowledge a deed >
intransitive verb
: to indicate the receipt and understanding of a message
 < the pilot acknowledged by dipping the plane's wings >
 admit, own, avow, confess: acknowledge indicates making known to others or recognizing to one's self what might be kept back, suppressed, or left uncertain, especially under the influence of stress, pressure, or persuasion
  < I was still smarting at his too candid criticism, all the more because in my heart I acknowledged its truth — W.H.Hudson >
  < with a perversity which he acknowledged frankly, he imagined that he had been devoted to her — Jean Stafford >
  < he started life as the illegitimate son of a Florentine lawyer and a woman of humble origin. His father acknowledged him — Stringfellow Barr >
  admit may be used in situations involving greater reluctance to make known, disclose, grant, or concede and greater stress or pressure
  < those in whom reason is weak are often unwilling to admit this as regards themselves, though all admit it in regard to others — Bertrand Russell >
  < principally because of false pride few people will admit being apprehensive or airsick in flight and except in extreme circumstances these cases usually pass unnoticed — H.G.Armstrong >
  < at last the government at Washington admitted its mistake — which governments seldom do — Willa Cather >
  own lacks any special suggestion about the manner or circumstances of an admission or aknowledgment but may apply to admissions having a certain closeness to the personality or individuality of whoever is making them
  < then let me own I'm an aesthetic sham — W.S.Gilbert >
  < here we own to a little private preference — Olin Downes >
  < I own that I had sustained myself through this journey on thoughts of the cheery welcome ahead — Elizabeth Bowen >
  avow suggests not unwilling disclosure but bold, firm declaration, with willingness to repeat or assert in the face of hostility
  < in a pamphlet defending his political activity, he avowed beliefs and displayed a fearlessness that were to make him a national figure thirty years later — F.W.Scott >
  < let me avow at once that I enter this discussion as a layman speaking to laymen — J.S.Dickey >
  confess may apply to an acknowledgment, often reluctant, of a weakness, failure, omission, guilt, or sin
  < in his potterings over occultisms he was confessing the sterility of intellectual interests — V.L.Parrington >
  < must I go on weakly confessing to you things a woman ought to conceal — Thomas Hardy >
  < I confess myself guilty of this error — J.S.Kenyon >
  < to confess a crime >




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