释义 |
ace I. \ˈās\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English as, from Old French, from Latin ass-, as unity, unit, copper coin; akin to Latin asser beam, pole, stake, assis board, plank 1. a. : a die face marked with one spot b. : a playing card marked in its center with one large pip and usually having the index A in its corners c. : such a card ranking highest in its suit d. : a domino end marked with one spot — usually used in compounds < double-ace > < ace-blank > e. aces plural (1) : a throw of 2 in craps (2) : a pair of aces in poker; also : three aces — used in the phrase aces full (3) : honors in no-trump < easy aces > < 150 aces > (4) : one ace of each suit in pinochle 2. : a very small amount or degree : particle, bit < I'll not wag an ace further — John Dryden > 3. : a score won by a single stroke; specifically : a point (as in tennis or handball) scored on a shot (as a service) that an opponent fails to touch 4. : a score in golf of one stroke on a hole or a hole made in one stroke 5. : an airplane combat pilot who has brought down at least five enemy airplanes 6. a. : a person who excels at something < a football ace > b. : an important or outstanding thing or event < speed is the ace of air transport — Forum > • - within an ace of II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) 1. : to score an ace against (an opponent) 2. : to make (a hole in golf) in one stroke III. adjective : of first or high rank or quality : outstanding < an ace reporter > IV. transitive verb 1. : to defeat, displace, or dispose of : gain a decisive advantage over — usually used with out 2. : to earn the grade of A on (an examination) |