

单词 it
释义 it
I. \(|)i]t, _ə], usu ]d.+V\ pronoun
Etymology: Middle English it, hit, from Old English hit — more at he
 a. : that one — used as neuter pronoun of the third person singular that is the subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or the object of a preposition and usually used in reference to (1) a lifeless thing
  < took a quick look at the house and noticed it was very old >
  < saw the corpse and walked over to it >
  < it is now no more — E.H.Collis >
  or (2) a plant
  < there is a rosebush near the fence and it is now blooming >
  or (3) an insect
  < felt a fly land on her neck and squirmed as it crawled down >
  or an animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded
  < saw the horse break away and watched it gallop into the canyon >
  or (4) an infant or child whose sex is unknown or disregarded
  < if a child were severely beaten every time it sneezed — Bertrand Russell >
  < heard the baby crying and brought it some milk >
  or (5) a group or classification of individuals or things
  < the football team is in top form and it is sure of victory >
  < buy a bag of apricots … plums and grapes for fifteen cents, wash … and eat it on our way — Claudia Cassidy >
  or (6) an abstract noun
  < beauty is everywhere and it is a source of joy >
  or (7) a word viewed as a word
  < machine is a common word and it can be applied to a variety of things >
  or (8) a phrase or clause
  < “Go ahead,” she said, but he didn't hear it >
  — sometimes used pleonastically together with a noun as subject of a verb especially in ballad poetry
  < our love it was stronger by far — E.A.Poe >
  and in substandard speech
  < the horse it ran away >
  — often used with a present participle like the adjective its with a gerund in a way that makes distinction between the two constructions impossible except by arbitrary analysis
  < wet it before applying to the seal, to prevent it sticking — H.S.Kingsford >
  < there was a doubt about it being available — Valentine Heywood >
  — see its; compare he, she, they
  (1) : that male or female one whose identity is unknown or uncertain — used especially in indirect or direct questions in reference to one that is usually not directly indicated (as by pointing) or otherwise clearly specified (as by a qualifying clause or phrase)
   < don't know who it is >
   < the knocking at the door continued and she finally said “who is it?” >
   < someone appeared dimly in the fog and it spoke like my brother >
  (2) : that male or female one whose identity is known — sometimes used in the speech of children or usually disparagingly in the speech of others as a subject or object in reference to any person
   < just look at my daddy and the big car it has >
   < what a little haughty prude it is — W.M.Thackeray >
   < just listen to it talk >
 c. : you — used in speaking to or as if to a baby
  < did it hurt its little knees and chin >
  — compare he 4
 d. : itself — used as indirect or direct object of a verb or as object of a preposition
  < the plane plunged to earth carrying all its occupants with it >
 a. — used as an expletive subject of an impersonal verb that expresses a simple condition or an action without direct or implied reference to an agent in statements or questions about (1) the weather
  < it is raining >
  < it is getting cold >
  < is it a pretty day — Agnes S. Turnbull >
  or (2) the time
  < it is eleven o'clock >
  < it is late >
  or divisions or points of time (as seasons, holidays, generalized parts of day or night)
  < it's only a few months until spring — C.W.Morton >
  < it will soon be Christmas >
  < it is getting on toward evening >
  < it will dawn early tomorrow >
  or (3) physical or mental conditions
  < it hurts when I look at a bright light >
  < it makes him sad if he thinks about her too much >
  or (4) an extent of distance or space
  < it is five miles to the next town >
 b. — used as an expletive subject in other statements or questions having an undefined subject
  < if it hadn't been for you, I don't know what I would have done >
  < they have what it takes >
  (1) — used as an anticipatory subject of a verb whose logical subject is another word or a phrase or a clause
   < it is me >
   < it is he who is responsible >
   < it is the mayor they like >
   < it is well you found out in time >
   < it is necessary to repeat the whole thing >
   < it is said the danger is great >
   < it is a wonderful vacation spot, that town >
   < it happened that they were away >
   — often used as subject of a periphrasis to shift emphasis from a logical subject to some other part of a statement
   < it was in this city that the treaty was signed >
  (2) — used as an anticipatory object of a verb whose logical object is another word or a phrase or a clause
   < I take it that there was some kind of rift — Hamilton Basso >
   < he made it clear, that answer of his >
   < found it necessary to continue >
   < made it evident that we needed help >
 b. now chiefly dialect — used with the verb be where there is now used
  < are so proud, so censorious, that it is no living with them — Paul Bayne >
  < it was an English lady bright, and she would marry a Scottish knight — Sir Walter Scott >
  < it's nobody here but me >
 c. — used with many transitive verbs as a direct object with little or no meaning and an almost entirely expletive or reinforcing function
  < really living it up >
  < decided to rough it on his vacation >
  or with many intransitive verbs as an apparent direct object with the same function
  < footed it back to camp >
  < the satellites were free to go it alone — Newsweek >
  or with some words used as nonce verbs as an apparent direct object with the same function
  < decided that we would … hotel it — J.K.Jerome >
  < a man who likes to chef it now and then — Gerald Movius >
  (1) : a matter discussed or considered or about to be discussed or considered
   < remembered she had told him about it >
   < it being agreed then — Walter Goodman >
  (2) : a situation referred to either directly or by implication or about to be referred to either directly or by implication
   < thought it was splendid >
   < doubted it would happen >
   < it added up to a strangeness for which nothing in the previous frontier culture was a preparation — Bernard DeVoto >
  (3) : a statement or idea or similar object of attention referred to either directly or by implication or about to be referred to either directly or by implication
   < if you remember these points it will help you >
 b. : something read (as a passage in a book, words on a sign)
  < it tells in the book about the American Revolution >
  < it says in the papers he expects to win the election >
  < a mile back it said to take a right turn >
  or something looked at (as a traffic signal, a directional arrow)
  < come on, it says to go >
5. : the general state of affairs or circumstances : general situation
 < it hasn't gone so well today >
 < came to that remote place to fish, get away from it all — Robert Murphy >
 < remember me, when it is well with you — Gen 40:14 (Revised Standard Version) >
  (1) : something that has been done
   < do it some more >
   or is being done
   < quit it >
   < cut it out >
   or is to be done
   < go to it >
   < he'll do it the right way >
   < decided to make a long weekend of it — Rebecca West >
  (2) : some unpleasant or dreaded eventuality
   < in for it now >
  specifically : punishment or chastisement or retribution
   < going to catch it >
   < put up with his sneers as long as possible and then let him have it >
  (1) : all that one can desire or experience
   < claims he's had it and that life is now pretty much a bore >
  (2) : all that one can endure or suffer
   < had a terrible day and swore he's really had it >
  (3) : all that one is going to be allowed to have or do
   < he's had it — I'm not going to put up with that nonsense any longer >
 c. : all that is required : the total extent of something needed or wanted
  < when you've finished that job, that's it and you can go home >
  < everyone passes by, shakes hands and that's it — D.E.Weinland >
 d. : an expenditure of effort in attempting to attain an objective : struggle, contest
  < stick to it and you'll win out >
7. : a way out of a difficulty : answer to a problem : solution
 < I have it! This is what we'll do >
 a. : what is important or essential or tenaciously held to or sought after : what counts : what matters
  < haven't got a chance and you should realize it is all over now >
 specifically : life
  < had stopped breathing and I could see it was all over >
  (1) : a crucial moment when much is at stake : a crisis on whose outcome much or everything depends
   < an offensive was about to be launched and headquarters felt that this was it >
  (2) : a point at which the end of life or the end of everything that matters is imminent
   < this is it. From now on no power on earth can save the doomed city — F.V.Drake >
 a. : a quality or group of qualities requisite or desirable for or evidenced in a particular situation
  < the legislators had it on most of the other delegates in convention maneuvering — Bill Hatch >
 b. : something that is expected or desired : something suitable or satisfactory
  < that's it, you're doing fine >
  (1) : something that perfectly or nearly perfectly meets the requirements of a situation : the very thing needed or required : just the thing wanted
   < here's a suggestion for a Christmas gift that is really it >
  (2) : something that is without equal : something peerless
   < stop acting as though you were it >
   < she just seems to think she's it >
  (3) : something beyond which one cannot go : the ultimate : pinnacle, acme
   < when it comes to graciousness, she's really it >
10. : sexual intercourse
 < if I wanted to let you touch me I would … can't you see I don't want it — Morley Callaghan >
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English hit, from hit (pron.)
now chiefly dialect : its
III. \ˈit, usu ˈid.+V\ noun
Etymology: it (I)
1. : the player in a game who performs a key active or passive function (as trying to catch others in a game of tag or to answer questions in a guessing game) essential to the nature of the game
2. : physical allure especially when accompanied by personal magnetism and charm : sex appeal
IV. abbreviation




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