

单词 place
释义 place
I. \ˈplās\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, open space in a city, space, locality, from Latin platea broad street, from Greek plateia (hodos), from feminine of platys broad, flat; akin to Sanskrit pṛthu broad, Latin planta sole of the foot
 a. : a way for admission or transit
  < calling “place! place!” to clear the way for their master — G.P.R.James >
  < place is made for it on his class schedule — H.W.Dodds >
 b. : physical environment : space
  < all are strangers, rootless in place or time — T.H.White b.1915 >
 c. : physical surroundings : atmosphere
  < the feeling for place was in him like the feeling for a personality — R.L.Cook >
 a. : an indefinite region or expanse : area
  < visit the far places of the earth >
  < small supplies of foreign ore … brought from places like No. Africa — Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington >
  < schools continued to spring up all over the place — Bernard Kalb >
  (1) : a building or locality used for a special purpose
   < place of amusement >
   < place of worship >
   < a secondhand car place — Robert Westerby >
  specifically : eating place
   < found a little Italian place with an eighty-five cent dinner — Mary McCarthy >
  (2) archaic : an assembly point
   < posted upon a parade, or place of arms — Daniel Defoe >
 c. archaic : the three-dimensional compass of a material object
  < in the world I fill up a place which may be better supplied when I have made it empty — Shakespeare >
 d. : where
  < wished he could go some place and run a lunchroom — Time >
  < has no place to turn for allies — M.H.Rubin >
  < the magic rests, more than any place else, in a sense of ambiguity — M.F.Harrington >
 a. : a particular region or center of population
  < Britain is an ideal place to tour by bus — Richard Joseph >
  < Denver, Salt Lake City, and hundreds of other places, large and small — Motor Transportation in the West >
 b. : an individual dwelling or estate : house, homestead
  < invited them to his place for the evening >
  < our twenty-eight-acre place on the edge of Baltimore — A.W.Turnbull >
 specifically : farm
  < a few places were … harrowing summer fallow — H.L.Davis >
 c. : a fortified military post
  < to effect the release of … Americans held there, a group of American settlers in Texas attacked the place — E.C.Barker >
 d. : scene I 3
 a. : a particular portion of a surface : specific locality : spot
  < worn place in a rug >
  < sore place on the back of the hand >
  < steep place in the road >
  < this is the right place — M.R.Werner >
  (1) : a passage in a piece of writing
   < in places he might have been a little bolder in dealing with the … text — G.R.Crone >
  (2) obsolete : a selected passage : text
   < comparing two places of Scripture — Thomas Fuller >
  (3) : the point at which a reader left off
   < dropped the book and lost her place >
 c. obsolete : locus classicus
  (1) : relative position in the social scale : degree of prestige
   < put the country people in their place, and with a few tactful rebuffs … checked any undue familiarity — Lord Dunsany >
   < color drew a line around several million people who were thereby condemned to permanent inferiority of place — Oscar Handlin >
  (2) : relative position of merit in any context : degree of importance
   < the place of health in the life of the individual — Marie Theresa >
   < decisions which have brought our science and our engineering to their present place — H.S.Truman >
 b. : a step in a sequence
  < in the first place, the house … is haunted — Charles Lee >
  < from eleventh place … the city rose to seventh — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  (1) : one of the leading positions at the finish of a horse race — used of 1st or usually 2d in the United States and of 1st, 2d, or 3d in England
  (2) : a leading position at the conclusion of any competition entitling the contestant to a prize or special recognition
   < 1st place in the dog show >
   < won a 2d place in the handcrafts division >
  (1) : a proper or designated niche
   < the junior college has a place to fill in this emergency — L.L.Medsker >
   < scientific names are the surest way of indicating to biologists of various nations the places of insects … in the natural world — E.S.McCartney >
   < whenever an artist has a reasoned conception of any musical work as a unit … tempos naturally fall into place — Virgil Thomson >
  (2) : a normal or suitable environment
   < a frontier plantation … was no place to educate a boy — T.J.Wertenbaker >
   < turns to individual personality as the logical place to study cultural integration — H.J.Muller >
 b. : a fitting moment or appropriate point in a discussion
  < this is not the place to discuss compensation — Robert Moses >
 c. obsolete : a reasonable basis : ground
  < there is no place of doubting but that it was the very same — Henry Hammond >
  (1) : an available seat or accommodation
   < places were booked for him in the boat train — John Buchan >
   < has a 2-place sailplane >
   < Eton's 1100 nonscholarship places are booked solid until 1971 — Newsweek >
  especially : a seat at a table
   < a man drinking a glass of orange juice was sitting at the table … and two places farther along a second man was munching a piece of toast — Hamilton Basso >
  (2) : place setting
   < seldom … sat down to a meal without laying one or two extra places for friends — David Garnett >
 b. : an empty or vacated position
  < coffeehouses supplied in some measure the place of a journal — T.B.Macaulay >
  < lost his bike and had to get another in its place >
 c. : a position dictated by circumstance
  < put yourself in my place >
  < in a tight place they still call on the North Wind — Alfred Duggan >
8. : the position of a figure in relation to others of a row or series; especially : the position of a digit within a numeral
 < 12 is a two place number >
 < in 316 the figure 1 is in the tens place >
 a. : remunerative employment : job
  < rather starve than take a place as a servant — Ellen Glasgow >
  < was offered a place on the Times to do political reporting — Irish Digest >
 especially : public office
  < no judge of a high court … views the function of his place so narrowly — B.N.Cardozo >
  (1) : a position of responsibility
   < a policy imposed by a corrupt use of pension and place — J.H.Plumb >
  (2) : a duty accompanying a position of responsibility
   < it was not his place to make the final decision >
 c. : the prestige accorded to one in an influential position : rank, status
  < would on no terms either collaborate with … or yield place to him — Times Literary Supplement >
  < spent the remainder of her life … in an endless quest for preferment and placeTime >
 a. : a public square : plaza
 b. : a short street or court; often : dead end

- in place
- in place of
- out of place
- place in the sun
- upon the place
II. verb
transitive verb
1. : to distribute in an orderly manner : arrange, dispose, station
 < the furniture has been placed for a definite reason — Betty Fisk >
 < before the artist put any of the black in his picture … he placed all the principal branches — Ernest Knaufft >
 < five … strategically placed seaports — R.S.Thoman >
 < shows the emperor placing and giving orders to his artillery — Tom Wintringham >
 a. : to put into or as if into a particular position : cause to rest or lie : set, fix
  < would place a finger on the list of figures she was tabulating — Jane Woodfin >
  < carbide … is finely ground and placed in electric cyanamide ovens — N.R.Heiden >
  < waste … talent and potential leadership by placing higher education beyond their reach — L.M.Chamberlain >
  < the growing railroad system placed increasing demands on iron and coal mines — R.H.Brown >
  < we have … been rather better placed than some to weigh the particular criticisms — Barbara Ward >
  < place our faith in knowledge — H.I.Poleman >
 b. : to present for consideration — used with before
  < the pending debate should be placed before a larger audience — Leo Cherne >
 c. : to put into a particular condition or state
  < place the company in a better financial position >
  < place a performer under contract >
  < the airlines placed modern equipment into service — H.G.Armstrong >
 d. : to direct accurately to a desired area or previously determined spot
  < disrupted the defenses with his uncanny ability to place the ball — A.J.Daley >
  < the bombs were placed directly upon the assigned target — Tex McCrary & D.E.Scherman >
 e. : to cause (the voice) to produce singing or speaking tones that are free and well resonated with reference to the adjustment of the vocal organs and resonance cavities
3. : to appoint to a position
 < was made lieutenant colonel and placed in command of a company — L.S.Mayo >
 a. : to find a place for: as
  (1) : to secure employment for
   < place the girl as a typist >
   < aims … to place all physically handicapped persons in remunerative positions — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  (2) : to find a residence for (a homeless child)
   < boarding out with foster parents is the method to be given first consideration in placing a child — Social Services in British >
  (1) : to find a publisher for (as a novel)
   < the manuscript was … submitted to a literary agent in New York who was unable to place it — Haldeen Braddy >
  (2) : to find a producer for (as a play)
  (1) : to assign to a position in an order of progression : rank
   < of the factors of strategic intelligence … geography is often placed first — G.B. & Charlotte L. Dyer >
   < fails to sustain that mysterious quality of life which would place it among the real masterpieces of the novel — Carlos Lynes >
  (2) : estimate
   < the same area has iron ore reserves placed at 1.3 billion metric tons — Americana Annual >
  (1) : to assign to a chronological position
   < the estimated time of burial was placed in the early Tintah stage — Meridel Le Sueur >
  (2) : to assign to a category
   < relatively profuse body hair clearly places the Caucasoids closest of all living races to the lower primates — Weston La Barre >
  (3) : to recognize by identifying characteristics
   < listening and placing the sounds that break the silence of a winter night — Rose Feld >
  specifically : to recall in context from a previous association
   < the man looked familiar but he couldn't place him — Willard Robertson >
  (1) : to determine or announce the place of (contestants) in a race
   < judges must occupy the judges' box … and their sole duty shall be to place the horses — Dan Parker >
  (2) : to succeed in gaining a position for in a contest or competition
   < placed two men on the … Olympic team — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
6. archaic : attribute, ascribe
 < placed it all to judicious affection — Jane Austen >
 a. : to use (money) for the purchase or development of property for financial gain : invest
  < place a million dollars in bonds >
  < place half of the capital of the firm in plane production >
  (1) : to give (an order for goods or services) to a supplier
   < place an order for a new generator >
   < place an order to have the house painted >
  (2) : to give an order for (a service)
   < place a telephone call >
   < place a bet >
   < placed his insurance with another company >
intransitive verb
1. : to earn a top spot in a competition
 < only the first three men or women to place in each event are honored — Collier's Year Book >
 < placed third in the bridge tournament >
specifically : to come in second in a horse race
 < bet on each horse to win, place, or show >
2. : to propel an object accurately to a predetermined spot
 < you cannot place to a yard by means of shoulder and arm energy alone — Manchester Guardian Weekly >
Synonyms: see set




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