释义 |
sur·pass \sərˈpas, -paa(ə)s, -pais, -pȧs\ transitive verb Etymology: Middle French surpasser, from sur- + passer to pass, from Old French — more at pass 1. : to become better, greater, or stronger than : exceed in quality, degree, or performance : become superior to : go beyond in action or achievement < the reality surpassed all expectations > < he surpassed all his contemporaries in skill > 2. : to pass beyond : go over : overstep < nor let the sea surpass his bounds — John Milton > 3. : to transcend the reach, capacity, or powers of : go beyond the bounds or limits of : become more than can be attained, achieved, or apprehended by < her beauty surpasses all description > < the task surpassed his skill > 4. : to extend beyond or above < mountain masses … surpassed the level of perpetual snow — Nature > Synonyms: see exceed |