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sur·face I. \ˈsərfə̇s, ˈsə̄f-, ˈsəif-\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, from sur- + face, from Old French — more at face 1. : the exterior or outside of an object or body : the outermost or uppermost boundary : one or more of the faces of a three-dimensional thing : a plane of a solid < the uneven surface of the earth > < on the surface of the water > < planks with a rough surface > < the octagonal surfaces of a diamond > 2. : a two-dimensional locus of points : the boundary or portion of the boundary of a three-dimensional region < a plane surface > < a spherical surface > 3. : something held to resemble the surface of an object or body: a. : the part of something that is presented to a viewer with little or no examination : the outward appearance or characteristics of something : the external aspect < the surface of society > < deep beneath the surface of the legal system — B.N.Cardozo > b. : someone or something without depth : a mere outside : one that is superficial in nature 4. : a complete airfoil used for sustentation or control or to increase stability 5. : the condition of a railroad track marked by vertical evenness or smoothness over short distances < the track is in surface > 6. a. : printing surface < autographic works printed from surfaces actually produced by the artist — Barnett Freedman > < printing done from relief surfaces > b. : stone 1b(11) • - on the surface II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to give a surface to: as a. : to plane (as lumber) or make smooth b. : to apply the surface layer to < the towers are surfaced with steel plates — American Guide Series: New York City > < surface a highway > c. : to finish (as furniture or a marble slab) especially by polishing or varnishing d. : to give a usually specified surface to < walls surfaced with cream stucco — American Guide Series: North Carolina > 2. : to bring to the surface < two wells … surface more than 6,000 gallons of water a minute — Gaston Burridge > intransitive verb 1. : to work on or at the surface — used especially of a gold digger who works the ground superficially or a tracklayer who brings the top of the rail to a true grade line 2. : to come or rise to the surface (as of the water) < a submarine surfaced outside the harbor > < a subway downtown, the line surfaces after three miles — A.H.Brown > < the truth began to surface — Robert Jackson > III. adjective 1. a. : of, located on, or designed for use at the surface of something < designing surface instruments for the detection of oil deposits — W.J.Reilly > < surface forces > < surface vessels > < surface runoff of water > b. : situated on the surface of the earth rather than in the air or underground < surface transportation > < surface communications > c. (1) : of or relating to surface mail < surface postage > (2) : handled as surface mail < surface parcel post > 2. : acting upon or against a surface < a surface grinder > 3. : working at or near the surface < surface mining > : worked at or near the surface < surface mines > 4. a. : appearing on the surface only : lacking depth < accurate surface realism — R.A.Cordell > < improvements in surface conditions but not in fundamental weaknesses > b. : superficial < surface friendships > |