

单词 supersonic
释义 su·per·sonic
I. \|süpə(r)|sänik, -nēk\ adjective
Etymology: Latin super- + sonus sound + English -ic — more at sound
1. : having a frequency above the audibility range of the human ear or greater than about 20,000 cycles per second — used of waves and vibrations; compare infrasonic, sonic
2. : utilizing, produced by, or relating to supersonic waves or vibrations
 < supersonic testing of metal >
 < supersonic disintegration of a chemical >
3. : of, indicating, or relating to speeds from one to five times the speed of sound in air — compare sonic, transonic
4. : moving, capable of moving, or utilizing air currents moving at supersonic speed
 < supersonic airplane >
 < supersonic wind tunnel >
5. : relating to supersonic aircraft or missiles
 < supersonic age >
6. : having a quality (as speed, virtue, or intensity) to an extreme degree : super
 < a recording of almost supersonic realism — Irving Kolodin >
 < a supersonic version … delivered breathlessly in one minute flat — Winston Brebner >
su·per·son·i·cal·ly \-nə̇k(ə)lē, -nēk-, -li\ adverb
II. noun
: a supersonic wave or frequency




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