

单词 supernatural
释义 su·per·natural
I. \“+\ adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin supernaturalis, from Latin super- + natura nature + -alis -al
 a. : of, belonging to, having reference to, or proceeding from an order of existence beyond the physical universe that is observable, and capable of being experienced by ordinary means : transcending nature in degree and in kind or concerned with what transcends nature
  < a supernatural divine order which directs history from outside and keeps man in touch with the eternal world through the Church and the sacraments — Times Literary Supplement >
  < the supernatural character of the soul >
 b. : being, having reference to, or proceeding from God or a god, demigod, spirit, or infernal being
  < among primitive peoples today, the supernatural scene is infinitely variegated — J.B.Noss >
  < inquired … whether the strangers were supernatural beings, or men of flesh and blood — W.H.Prescott >
  < attributed to the sun and the moon supernatural powers, made gods of them and worshiped them — College English >
 c. : divine as opposed to human, or spiritual as opposed to material
  < to make students conscious of the fact that they are not merely natural men but that they have a supernatural destiny — St. John's University Cat. >
  < man's supernatural life, the life of the soul above the natural life of the body — M.W.Baldwin >
 a. : differing from the natural only in degree by being much more than is natural or normal : superhuman, preternatural
  < has come up with almost supernatural speed — George Weller >
 b. : extreme, excessive
  < curs and mongrels … endowed with supernatural powers of yelping — Rachel Henning >
 a. : ascribed to agencies or powers above or beyond nature or based upon such an ascription : initiated, effected, continued, or supported by means that transcend the laws or observed sequences of nature
  < the supernatural origin of life >
 especially : miraculous
  < possess the gift of second sight, and the power to wreak supernatural vengeance upon those who offend them — Herman Melville >
  < did not mention the supernatural events … for fear of encouraging skeptical laughter — Robert Graves >
 b. : attributable to or liable to be attributed to the action or presence of a ghost, spirit, or other invisible agent : eerie, occult
  < something supernatural, a stirring as it were of the roots of the hair — W.B.Yeats >
su·per·naturally \“+\ adverb
su·per·naturalness \“+\ noun -es
II. noun
1. : something that is supernatural : the supernatural order of existence : divine operation, influence or intervention — used with the
 < the supernatural is in its ultimate essence incomprehensible on our plane of existence — Register >
2. : something of supernatural origin : something miraculous or marvelous
3. : a supernatural being, force, or essence
 < the object itself (water, tree, or rock) which was worshiped as a supernatural — W.A.L.Elmslie >




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