释义 |
in·tox·i·cate I. \-kə̇]t, -ˌkā] usu ]d.+V\ adjective Etymology: Middle English intoxicat, from Medieval Latin intoxicatus, past participle of intoxicare 1. obsolete : poisoned 2. archaic : excited or exhilarated beyond self-control by alcoholic drinks or to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy (as by pleasure) or stupefied by a narcotic II. \-ˌkāt, usu -ād.+V\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Medieval Latin intoxicatus, past participle of intoxicare, from Latin in- in- (II) + toxicum poison — more at toxic 1. : poison 2. a. : to excite or stupefy by alcoholic drinks or a narcotic especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished : make drunk : inebriate b. : to excite to the point of enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness : elate strongly and often excessively < found the idea intoxicating and ennobling > < intoxicated with dreams of fortune — Van Wyck Brooks > < intoxicated by success > |