释义 |
sub·til·ize \ˈsəd.əlˌīz, ˈsə(b)təlˌīz, ˈsəbtə̇ˌlīz\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Usage: see -ize Etymology: Medieval Latin subtilizare, from Latin subtilis fine, thin, subtle + Late Latin -izare -ize transitive verb : to make subtile: as a. : rarefy, refine, sublimate, exalt b. : to clarify and sharpen (as the mind or senses) : make keen c. : to treat with subtlety : introduce fine-drawn or nice distinctions into the use, discussion, or interpretation of < subtilize words > < subtilized his activities > intransitive verb : to use subtlety : analyse, argue, or deal with materials in a subtle fashion < subtilized more than other poets > |