单词 | study |
释义 | study I. 1. < paused and appeared to be in a deep study — Alexander MacDonald > < the long silences that meant I was lost in study — Eve Langley > 2. a. < is in your own power greatly to improve … by study, observation, and reflection — Earl of Chesterfield > < hours of study and careful thought — Bruce Payne > < years of study in school and college > b. < scholarship … which illuminates the study of the family — Lynn White > < taking up the study of history > < enter upon the study of law > c. (1) < plunged into the study of latex — Clarence Woodbury > < studies have been made of individual cases and of groups of adolescents — H.R.Douglass > — often used with under < further reductions are under study — D.D.Eisenhower > (2) < these two volumes constitute the ablest study on the iron and steel industry — Current Biography > < publishes studies and reports > 3. a. < set out my typewriter in the study … to write — Worth T. Hedden > b. obsolete c. obsolete d. 4. a. obsolete b. < a continuance of those favors which it will ever be my study to deserve — W.S.Gilbert > < it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses — Jane Austen > 5. a. < what are your favorite studies — G.B.Shaw > < was … on the faculty of graduate studies — Edna Yost > b. < the curriculum for graduate study — E.B.Nyquist > < returning to his studies after vacation > c. < was pompous and wonderfully conceited, his every work and every gesture a careful study — Marcia Davenport > < about the use of making this sugar … I said I made it my study — H.D.Thoreau > d. < it was quite a study to watch the faces round the table — in the struggle between good manners and amusement — Rachel Henning > < a study in conflicting emotions — T.B.Costain > < the whole show a study in tolerant condescension — David Driscoll > 6. < is not considered a fast study, but once he has learned a role he has it for good — H.C.Schonberg > 7. a. < a number of drawings were studies of beggars, clowns, cripples, and street musicians — Current Biography > < a study in tunes, all of them beautiful and separate — Leonard Bernstein > < whether dancing in dramatic roles … or studies in pure dance — Current Biography > b. < a particularly successful study of the type of grievance-ridden, unhappy … misfit — R.P.Fleming > < a topical study of life in a wartime services canteen — Leslie Rees > < a brilliantly intuitive study of war and the emotions of men in combat — Time > 8. II. intransitive verb 1. a. < he might have studied through the literature to the mind of that century — T.S.Eliot > b. < studied at Manual Arts high school — Lillian de Tagle > < studied with the faculty of law at the university — Current Biography > < studied under him at the university — Current Biography > 2. dialect a. < looking at the oil in the bottle and smelling it and tasting it, and studying about what it meant — H.H.Martin > b. < stood digging a bare big toe into the dirt and studied awhile — F.B.Gipson > — usually used with on or about < I'm studying on whether I ought to sell — Jean Stafford > 3. < I studied to appear calm … so as to draw him on to say more — W.H.Hudson †1922 > < appears to study to repress these things in his poetry — David Daiches > transitive verb 1. a. < was set to studying the Talmud for 15-hour stretches — Current Biography > < stopped and studied a big sign in front of a large store — Irving Bacheller > b. < you could … study a speech of some dozen or 16 lines — Shakespeare > < waiting in the wings studying his part > 2. a. < learns a good deal by simply studying human nature > < studies the advances in his profession every free moment > b. < planning to study medicine > < studies the violin at the conservatory > < attends night school to study typing > c. < thought I knew something … because I'd studied it up in a book — Calder Willingham > 3. < he studies our overthrow and generally seeks our destruction — Robert Burton > — usually used with out < works hard studying out a new system > 4. a. < experts study tides and ocean currents — H.M.Parshley > < studying the mood of people in different quarters — Evelyn G. Cruickshanks > < studying and attempting to solve the economic problem — Current Biography > b. < each still studying the other with interest — Agnes S. Turnbull > < the brakeman … took advantage of each curve to study the train — Monsanto Magazine > < studied the flames as if seeking the answer … in their restive pattern — Walter O'Meara > 5. < the epistle … was studied and recopied and elaborated — Anthony Trollope > 6. < needed a home and a wife who would study his comfort — Edith Sitwell > Synonyms: see consider III. Scot & dialect England variant of stithy |
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