

单词 strong
释义 strong
I. \ˈstrȯŋ also ˈsträŋ\ adjective
(stron·ger \-ŋgə(r)\ ; stron·gest \-ŋgə̇st\)
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strang; akin to Old High German strango strongly, strengi strong, brave, hard, Old Norse strangr strong, severe, Latin stringere to bind tight, press together — more at strain
 a. : having great muscular power : capable of exerting great bodily force
  < strong as a bull >
 b. : accomplished or supported by marked physical power
  < rows with a strong stroke >
  < strong kick >
  < strong thrust with a spear >
 a. : able to bear or endure : robust, rugged
  < strong runner >
  < strong health >
 b. : able to withstand stress or violence : not easily broken or injured
  < strong furniture >
 c. : tending to higher prices — sometimes distinguished from firm
  < a strong market >
3. : having or exhibiting moral or intellectual force, endurance, or vigor
 < mistook an opinionated mind for a strong one — C.H.Sykes >
 < strong ruler >
 < strong president >
 a. : having great resources of wealth
  < strong bank >
  < strong national economy >
  or of talent
  < strong cast of actors >
  < among the stronger teams in the baseball league >
 b. : being of a specified effective number — used postpositively
  < army 10 thousand strong >
  < each choir was over 150 strong — Warwick Braithwaite >
 a. : striking or superior of its kind : capable of making a clear or deep impression especially on the mind or imagination
  < bears a strong resemblance to his father >
  < strong picture >
 b. : effective or efficient especially in a particular direction : able to accomplish a result
  < if you are strong on logic — W.J.Reilly >
 c. : massive, important
  < strong vein of coal >
 d. : full 3e(1)
 e. of printing type or a slug : cast slightly over point size
 a. : having a particular quality in a great degree : intense in degree : concentrated
  < strong salt solution >
  < strong coffee >
  < strong dislike >
  < strong light >
  < strong feelings of the farmers about foreign competition — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
 b. : extreme, uncompromising
  < strong views on raising children >
  < denounced in the strongest terms >
 c. of a color : high in chroma
 d. : containing a large proportion of alcohol
  < strong beer >
 e. : having a high degree of ionization in solution — used of an acid or a base
  < hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid are strong acids >
  — compare weak 11
 f. of tobacco : having a high nicotine content or otherwise strongly flavored
  < perique is a strong tobacco >
 g. : having great refractive or magnifying power
  < strong lens >
  < uses strong eyeglasses >
7. obsolete : gross, flagrant, notorious
 < heinous, strong, and bold conspiracy — Shakespeare >
8. : urgent, compelling
 < strong grounds for believing him guilty >
 < strong desire for recognition >
9. : ardent, zealous
 < the whole family are strong Republicans >
 < strong believer in astrology >
10. : moving with force or rapidity
 < strong tide >
 < strong wind >
 < strong pulse >
 a. obsolete : difficult, hard
 b. : relatively hard to digest : solid
  < strong foods >
 a. : not easily captured or subdued
  < strong fortress >
  < strong military position >
 b. : well established : firmly fixed : not easily altered or eradicated
  < strong prejudice >
  < strong belief >
  < strong custom >
 c. : not easily upset or nauseated
  < strong stomach >
  < strong head for hard liquor >
13. : having an offensive or too intense odor or flavor
 < strong cheese >
 < strong breath >
14. of soil : productive, fertile
15. of flour or wheat : containing a high percentage of gluten : cohesive and tenacious and producing bread of good texture and form
 a. of a verb : forming its past tense by a change in the root vowel and its past participle usually by the addition of -en with or without change of the root vowel (as strive, strove, striven; break, broke, broken; drink, drank, drunk) — opposed to weak; compare irregular
 b. of a noun or adjective declension : retaining the old declensional endings characteristic of the vowel stems in Proto-Germanic — opposed to weak
 a. : bearing a degree of stress greater than the minimal degree occurring in the language
  < strong stress >
  < strong syllable >
  < strong ending of a line of verse >
 b. : emphatic — used of forms of chiefly monosyllabic words (as pronouns, auxiliaries) that have minimal stress in some contexts
  < am is a strong form in “I'm not going today but I am going tomorrow” >
  < Modern English off descends historically from the old strong form of of >
18. chiefly Australia
 a. of wool : broad-haired or coarse-fibered
 b. of sheep : having such wool : strong-woolled
 stout, sturdy, stalwart, tough, tenacious: strong is a general term indicating marked physical power, great size or number, soundness for withstanding strain, or marked force, vigor, or intensity
  < a strong constitution >
  < a strong army >
  < a strong brace >
  < strong liquor >
  < a strong color >
  stout suggests power to resist or endure; of things it is applicable to a texture or construction resisting strain, and of persons to an ability to resist with undaunted resolution
  < mooring the ship with stout ropes >
  < stout fences for keeping the cattle in >
  < the stout defenders of the fortress >
  < and let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons — F.D.Roosevelt >
  sturdy applies to what is marked by staying power or resistance arising from firm resolution, rugged or vigorous growth, or solid construction
  < it was easy in this country to idealize the farmers as the sturdy yeomanry who embodied all the virtues associated with the original Anglo-Saxon love of liberty — John Dewey >
  < a kick delivered with all the strength of the blacksmith's sturdy leg sent him sprawling on all fours — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall >
  stalwart may suggest a firm, strong dependability, often accompanied by notable mental or physical strength
  < it is a hard life: those that survive are stalwart, rugged men, literally mighty men of valour who neither know nor desire comforts — L.D.Stamp >
  < a stalwart Federalist, he was a good hater of all Jacobins — V.L.Parrington >
  tough may suggest resistant, vigorous hardiness able to withstand hard strain and enervation
  < a tough and durable material >
  < the toughest old salts imaginable — not pretty to look at, but fellows, by their faces, of the most indomitable spirit — R.L.Stevenson >
  < a tough ruthless power bent on dominating the world and suppressing our freedom — Vannevar Bush >
  tenacious implies a stubborn or resolute holding on, retaining, maintaining, or adhering despite forces that would discourage, weaken, dislodge, or thwart
  < her power of recuperation was wonderful. There was something tenacious about that lily-frail body of hers, a clutch on existence which one could not reconcile with its patent weakness — Jack London >
  < stubborn, willful, tenacious, undiscouraged by adversity — T.H.Fielding >

- strong for
II. adverb
Etymology: Middle English stronge, strong, from Old English strange, from strang strong (adjective)
: strongly
 < had the love of adventure strong in their Irish blood — Irish Digest >
 < still going strong after 40 years of hard work >
 < reversible … topcoat … is coming back strongNew Yorker >
 < wind blowing strong from the West >
III. noun
Etymology: strong (I)
: forte 2




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