释义 |
in·fin·i·ty \ə̇nˈfinəd.ē, -ətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English infinite, from Middle French infinité, from Latin infinitat-, infinitas, from infinitus infinite + -itas -ity 1. a. : the quality of being infinite b. : that which is infinite : unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity : boundlessness < there cannot be more infinities than one; for one of them would limit the other — Walter Raleigh > 2. : unlimited capacity, energy, excellence, or knowledge < infinity of God's power > 3. : an indefinitely great number or amount < infinity of stars > 4. a. : a nonexistent limit of a function that can be made to become and remain numerically larger than any preassigned value — symbol ∞ b. : a nonexistent part of a magnitude that lies beyond any part whose distance from a given reference position is finite — symbol ∞ c. : a transfinite number 5. : a distance so great that the rays of light from a point source at that distance may be regarded as parallel |