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in·fi·nite I. \ˈinfənə̇]t sometimes -fəˌnī] sometimes as opposed to “finite” (ˈ)in|fīˌnī] or ə̇nˈfīˌnī]; usu ]d.+V\ adjective Etymology: Middle English infinit, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French infinit, from Latin infinitus, from in- in- (I) + finitus limited, finite — more at finite 1. : being without limits of any kind : subject to no limitation or external determination < philosophy compels faith in real personality, finite and relative in man, infinite and absolute in nature — F.A.Christie > 2. a. : having no end : extending indefinitely < speculate and wonder as to the structure of the universe, whether it is bounded or infinite — W.V.Houston > < infinite duration > b. : having innumerable parts : capable of endless division or distinction within itself < electrophones capable of infinite gradations of pitch — Robert Domington > 3. : having no limit in power, capacity, knowledge, or excellence : immeasurably or inconceivably great : boundless < infinite mercy > < infinite wisdom > < infinite patience > < infinite discretion > 4. a. : indefinitely large or extensive : indefinite in number : immeasurable b. : vast, immense c. : endless, inexhaustible < infinite ingenuity of man — Mary Webb > 5. pre-Socratic philosophy : constituting the matrix or an ingredient of formed and determined reality 6. of a verb form : having neither person, number, nor mood 7. a. : not finite : extending or lying beyond any preassigned value however large < the number of positive numbers is infinite > b. : extending to infinity < infinite plane surface > < infinite branch of a curve > c. : having the same power as a proper subset of itself : capable of being put into a one-to-one correspondence with a subset of itself — used of a mathematical aggregate • in·fi·nite·ly adverb • in·fi·nite·ness noun II. noun : something that is infinite: a. : boundless space or duration : infinity b. : an incalculable or very great number < an infinite of possibilities > c. : an infinite quantity or magnitude |