单词 | strew |
释义 | strew I. transitive verb 1. < the ground … upon which the poultry grower strews his seed — S.R.Guard & Lloyd Graham > < the growth hormone … can be strewn freely on lawns — Harvard Foundation Newsletter > < obstacles being strewn along the water's edge — P.W.Thompson > < little balls of paper were strewed over the bed — Arnold Bennett > 2. < with flowers thy bridal bed I strew — Shakespeare > < strewed the stones … with the straw — Padraic Colum > < the forest floor is strewn with large granite boulders — G.R.Stewart > 3. archaic 4. 5. < boulders that strewed the mountainside — D.J.Rankin > 6. < may strew dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds — Shakespeare > intransitive verb Synonyms: < strew a floor with rushes > < a sidewalk strewn with leaves > < clothes strewn around a room > < may strow the dust with holy water for her peace — John Bennett > < an ancient usage to straw the path that leads from her father's house to the family washing well with handfuls of these flowers — Llewelyn Powys > scatter implies a separation of parts or pieces, distinctly suggesting a haphazard throwing about or dispersal of small units < scatter toys all over the floor > < no railroad scatters its soot over the neat white frame houses — Corey Ford > < many bullets or shot which scattered out of the mouth of the gun — Tom Wintringham > < the majority of the dwellings being scattered over the town's edge — American Guide Series: Oregon > sow, always implying the strewing of seed, applies to something like seed that can be disseminated throughout a group < sowed the area with bombs — Nevil Shute > < sow seeds of reason and understanding throughout the world — A.E.Stevenson †1965 > < sowing dissension in our ranks — Kenneth Roberts > < those problems with which literature is sown so thick — Virginia Woolf > broadcast in this connection implies a scattering widely or in all directions < broadcast very fine seed > < antitoxin should be used only in certain cases of exposed, susceptible individuals, not broadcast unnecessarily — Justina Hill > < university presses … all have one highly commendable objective — to help broadcast scholarship — B.L.Stratton > < used the Senate floor to broadcast the obscene objections that had been made against the confirmation — Sidney Hyman > II. < a strew of oak trunks lay everywhere — A.P.Terhune > |
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