单词 | stretch |
释义 | stretch I. transitive verb 1. < stretched himself out on the bed > 2. < stretched his arm to take the book — Cedomilj Mijatovic > < stretched forth a lean and quivering hand — Zane Grey > < the tree stretched its branches over the road > 3. a. < stretch one's arms > < stretched his legs cautiously > b. 4. a. chiefly dialect b. < fired again … and stretched him dying upon the sand — R.W.Thorp > 5. a. b. archaic 6. < awoke and stretched himself > 7. < tent … made of caribou skin stretched on a framework — Ivor Jones > 8. a. (1) < stretch … glass threads or fibers to the thinness necessary — Freda Diamond > < stretch a hose into a building > (2) < the understanding must be stretched to take in the image of the universe — Francis Bacon > b. < tales … to stretch the wind eye of the oldest salts — Marjory S. Douglas > c. < stretched his already thin patience > 9. < stretch a wire between two posts > < stretch a curtain across the room > 10. a. (1) < stretches the word … by giving it two entirely separate meanings — N.F.Busch > < the general-welfare clause … could easily be stretched to give unlimited powers to the central government — Frank Meyer > < the law tacitly permits the rules to be stretched — Norman Birkett > < stretched credibility far in reaching the solution — A.C.Ward > (2) < stretch the … appropriation to finance the relief of European children — Will Irwin > < stretch one egg for two recipes — Molly L. Bar-David > < stretch a budget > b. < stretch the truth > 11. 12. < stretch a single into a double > < cut down while trying to stretch the hit > intransitive verb 1. < stretch onward in thy fleet career — Sir Walter Scott > 2. obsolete < so far as my coin would stretch — Shakespeare > 3. obsolete < makes himself supreme lord … as far as his civil jurisdiction stretches — John Milton > 4. a. < pipeline … will stretch some 24.5 miles — Wall Street Journal > < rolling fields stretch westward to the river's edge — American Guide Series: Connecticut > < attacks on a front that stretches from the mountains to the sea > b. < their authorship stretched … over a score of years — Leslie Rees > < this game … seems to stretch back to time immemorial — Geoffrey Boumphrey > < in the years which stretch ahead — Harold Wincott > 5. < rubber stretchs easily > 6. a. < he awoke, yawned, and stretched > b. < stretched on the ground and took a nap > < between chores you stretched by the fire — Mary Austin > 7. 8. 9. 10. • - stretch a point - stretch one's legs II. 1. a. archaic < the unwarrantable stretch … which that house made in their last sitting — Thomas Paine > b. c. archaic d. < it was a stretch of his patience to hear himself addressed on a family matter — George Meredith > < not even by the longest stretch of the imagination can the sensitive listener be persuaded — Warwick Braithwaite > e. < a stretch of language > 2. < defy the utmost stretch of your malice — Samuel Richardson > < one end is held at full stretch — Francis Yeats-Brown > 3. a. < fixation of a muscle in stretch — C.R.Houck > b. (1) < that first comfortable stretch on the sand — Read Magazine > (2) c. < the string … is kept at its stretch by means of a stiff piece of stick — Daniel Johnson > < keeping the thongs still upon the stretch — George Anson > 4. a. < a long stretch of the pipeline — Hardiman Scott > < killed all fish life in a stretch of creek — Bill Wolf > < suspended by … nothing except a stretch of stiff wire — P.E.Deutschman > < a particular stretch of speech — Bruce Pattison > < stretches of narrative > b. < stretches of woodland dotted with lakes — American Guide Series: Maine > < a tropical stretch of country in the south of India — Aubrey Menen > 5. a. < he believed in regular stretches of work — Osbert Sitwell > < go on typing for eighteen hours at a stretch — Aldous Huxley > < pause … for unbearable long stretches — J.F.Wharton > b. < sustain unity of character over a stretch of time — Roger Manvell > < these notes were taken over a stretch of years — A.C.Ballard > c. d. archaic 6. a. < keep the mind athletic and the spirit on the stretch — R.P.Blackmur > < keep his mental faculties at the stretch — J.N.Hall > b. 7. 8. a. < serving a ten-year stretch for counterfeiting — Bennett Cerf > < land a man in prison for quite a stretch — F.J.Warburg > b. < did a short stretch in the infantry — Anthony Leviero > < during his stretch with a southern newspaper > 9. 10. a. < a half-mile track with its shorter stretches — Jeremiah Tax > especially < in the stretch the jockey looked back > — see backstretch b. 11. a. < no loss of stretch … or adhesive qualities — Lancet > < has a three-inch stretch to the yard — New Yorker > b. < knit fabrics have considerable stretch > III. < stretch hosiery > < stretch nylon > IV. < a stretch car > |
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