

单词 hydropic
释义 hy·drop·ic
\hīˈdräpik\ adjective
also hy·drop·i·cal \-pə̇kəl\
Etymology: hydropic alteration (influenced by Latin hydropicus) of Middle English ydropike, idropik, from Middle French ydropique, from Latin hydropicus, from Greek hydrōpikos, from hydrōp-, hydrōps hydrops + -ikos -ic; hydropical from Latin hydropicus + English -al
1. : of, relating to, or exhibiting hydrops; especially : edematous
2. : characterized by swelling and imbibition of fluid — used of a type of cellular degeneration
hy·drop·i·cal·ly \-pə̇k(ə)lē\ adverb




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