

单词 spoon-feed
释义 spoon-feed
\ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ transitive verb
1. : to feed (another) by means of a spoon
 a. : to present (a thing) or to present a thing to (a person or group) so thoroughly or wholeheartedly as to preclude the need of independent thought, initiative, or self-reliance on the part of the recipient
  < spoon-feed material to students >
  < poet should do all the work and spoon-feed his reader — Fortnightly Review >
  < claiming that you can prepare Indians for freedom by … spoon-feeding them — Senior Scholastic >
 b. : to present (information) or to present information to (a person or group) in a slanted version and with the intention of precluding questioning or revision on the part of the recipient
  < spoon-feeding propaganda through the public schools — Newsweek >
  < fought … for free thought against spoon-fed thought — Punch >
  < the general public is being spoon-fed … more and more propaganda — Richard LaCoste >
  < a spoon-fed press >
intransitive verb
1. : to feed oneself or another by means of a spoon
 a. : to present a thing so thoroughly or wholeheartedly as to preclude the need of independent thinking, initiative, or self-reliance on the part of the recipient
  < our spoon-feeding pedagogy — H.G.Rickover >
 b. : to present information in a slanted version and with the intention of precluding questioning or revision on the part of the recipient
  < altogether too much bureaucratic spoon-feeding about these proposals — Contemporary Review >
 c. : to accept passively that which has been spoon-fed
  < has self-reliance superseded spoon-feedingIrish Statesman >




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更新时间:2024/9/21 21:57:28