

单词 dark
释义 dark
I. \ˈdärk, ˈdȧk\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English derk, from Old English deorc; akin to Old High German tarchannen to hide, Middle Irish derg red, Latin fraces dregs of oil, Greek thrassein, thrattein to trouble, disturb, and probably to Lithuanian darga rainy weather
 a. : destitute or partially destitute of light : not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light
  < dark as night >
 also : having no lights burning
  < the theater was totally dark >
 b. : transmitting only a portion of light, brilliance, or glare
  < a dark lampshade >
  < dark glasses >
 a. : wholly or partially black : somberly hued : of a deep shade
  < dark earth >
  < a dark-haired girl >
  < the dark robes of the clergy >
 specifically of color : of low or very low lightness
 b. : made of whole wheat flour
  < a loaf of dark bread >
  or of white flour darkened with spices or other ingredients
  < dark fruitcake >
 a. : arising from, exhibiting, or motivated by evil traits or desires : wicked, iniquitous
  < the dark side of his character >
  < the dark powers that lead to war >
 b. : destitute of sunniness or cheer : gloomy, dismal, sad
  < he's always looking at the dark side of things >
  < the dark days of the war >
 c. : destitute of knowledge or culture : spiritually or intellectually retarded, backward, or primitive : unrefined, ignorant
  < the dark age of poetry among us is almost over — H.A.Overstreet >
4. : not readily perceptible: as
 a. of a celestial body, archaic : barely visible : dim
 b. : not clear to the understanding : obscure
  < that makes much which was dark quite clear to me — John Galsworthy >
5. now dialect : unable to see : blind
 < what way would I see … and I a dark woman since the seventh year of my age — J.M.Synge >
 a. of the human complexion : not fair : dusky, swarthy
  < brick-red face grew darker — Kenneth Roberts >
  < nor had she lost her dark good looks — Irish Digest >
 b. : having or characterized by a skin rich in melanoid pigments
  < the dark races >
 a. : secret : not known to the public — used chiefly with keep
  < he kept his plans dark >
  — see dark horse
 b. : mysterious
  < an imagination that was dark and rich >
 c. : secretive, reticent
  < he was always quite dark about the matter >
 a. of sound : possessing depth and somberness
  < a woman with a beautifully dark contralto >
  < everywhere the dark laughter of the Negro is to be heard — American Guide Series: Virginia >
 b. of an l sound : formed with the tip of the tongue on the teethridge and the rest of the tongue in a position similar to that of a back vowel — compare clear I 2b
 c. of a vowel : articulated with the back of the tongue higher than its rest position
  < \ȯ\ and \ü\ are dark >
9. of tobacco : fire-cured or dark air-cured
 dim, dusky, dusk, darkling, obscure, murky, opaque gloomy: dark, the most general and common term of this group, implies a lack or deficiency of light or illumination of whatever kind
  < it looked dark as pitch, so I gave him to understand that he must strike a light — Herman Melville >
  < telling me that they were waiting till it was dark to speak to him: that they did not dare to speak to him during the light — Anthony Trollope >
  dim suggests darkness enough to render outlines indistinct and shadowy
  < “Shall I light a taper?” “There is no need. I love this dim light of evening” — C.R.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall >
  < the dim grassy bank amid the tossing trees purple with twilight — G.K.Chesterton >
  dusky and the uncommon dusk signify a twilight condition and suggest approaching darkness
  < but comes at last the dull and dusky eve — William Cowper >
  < during the short period of a total eclipse bright stars may appear in a dusky sky — R.M.Sutton >
  < the dusk heavens — John Keats >
  darkling may connote the mysterious, ominous, or uncanny
  < the darkling night, lit only as it was by the slender moon — H.G.Wells >
  < as on a darkling plain swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night — Matthew Arnold >
  obscure is likely to imply darkness and also concealment, covering, or overshadowing
  < it does not matter to real culture whether a book be lucid as transparent air, or sullenly obscure as pitch-black midnight — J.C.Powys >
  < a small room, obscure because it was heavily curtained — Arnold Bennett >
  Orig. connoting intense darkness, murky now often suggests a blanketing thickness or heaviness
  < London seemed last winter like an underground city; as if its low sky were the roof of a cave, and its murky day a light such as one reads of in countries beneath the earth — L.P.Smith >
  < a coarse, cheap, and offensive-smelling tobacco. The air was thick and murky with the smoke of it — Jack London >
  opaque, comparatively poor in suggestion, means impervious to light, opposed to transparent and translucent
  < opaque from rain drawn in slant streaks by wind and speed across the pane, the window of the railway carriage lets nothing be seen but stray flashes of red lights — Richard Jefferies >
  gloomy implies interference with free radiation of light and usually connotes a pervading cheerlesness
  < their gloomy pathway tended upward, so that, through a crevice, a little daylight glimmered down upon them, or even a streak of sunshine peeped into a burial niche — Nathaniel Hawthorne >
Synonym: see in addition obscure.
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English derk, from derk, adjective
1. : absence of light : darkness
 < stumbling about in the dark >
: a place where or the time when there is little or no light
 < the fugitives moved into the dark and waited >
: night, nightfall
 < we'd better wait till dark — Zane Grey >
 a. : something devoid of or not predominantly light, bright, or brilliant : something somber or subdued
  < though still early fall light clothes had given way to winter darks >
 b. : a dark or somber hue : deep color
  < in water color the darkest tones can be darker than in fresco, but attempts to rival the darks of oil always looks forced — C.W.H.Johnson >
3. darks pl but singular or plural in construction : broadleaf or Havana seed tobacco used for cigar binders

- in the dark
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English derken, from Old English deorcian to become dark, grow dim, from deorc dark
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : to grow dark : darken; specifically : to undergo eclipse
2. dialect England : eavesdrop
transitive verb
: to make dark : dim, cloud
 < the folk whose shadows darked the blinds — John Masefield >
IV. adverb
Etymology: dark (I)
archaic : darkly




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