释义 |
ho·mon·y·mous \hōˈmänəməs, häˈ-\ adjective Etymology: Latin homonymus, from Greek homōnymos having the same name, from homo- hom- + -ōnymos (from onyma, onoma name) — more at name 1. a. : having two or more different significations : ambiguous — used chiefly of words b. : having the same designation < the state and its capital homonymous > — opposed to heteronymous c. : homonymic 2. a. : standing in the same relation; specifically : relating to or being a convergence of the eyes such that the object is beyond the fixation point resulting in double vision with the right-eye image to the right of the left-eye image < homonymous diplopia > b. : unilateral < homonymous hemianopia > • ho·mon·y·mous·ly adverb |