

单词 sound
释义 sound
I. \ˈsau̇nd\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English sound, sund, from Old English gesund; akin to Old Saxon gisund sound, Old Frisian sund fresh, unharmed, healthy, Old High German gisunt healthy, Gothic swinths strong, healthy and probably to Lithuanian sumdyti, siumdyti to rouse, incite
 a. : free from injury or disease : robust, wholesome
  < a young man … of good parentage, sound in wind and limb — Henry Miller >
  < every tooth in her head was sound — W.M.Thackeray >
  < a sound mind in a sound body >
 b. : free from disease, abnormality, or defect impairing or likely to impair usefulness — used of a domestic animal and especially of a horse; compare unsound
 c. : free from flaw, defect, or decay : unimpaired, unblemished
  < sound timber >
  < a sound wine >
  < a sound wall >
  < sound fruit >
  < the masonry … is still soundAmerican Guide Series: North Carolina >
 a. : marked by solidity, firmness, or stability
  < a building of sound construction >
  < established a sound foundation for future progress >
 b. : stable and resistant to volume change when used in construction work — used of hydraulic cements including portland, hydrated lime, quicklime, and aggregates for concrete
 c. : solidly or securely based : reliable
  < a sound economy >
  < a sound society >
  < sound relationships >
 d. : financially secure : safe
  < a sound investment >
 a. : based on truth or right : free from error or fallacy
  < sound advice >
  < a sound argument >
  < sound reasoning >
  < sound criticism >
 b. : based on adequate knowledge or experience : correct
  < sound estimate of the military situation — Carl Bridenbaugh >
 c. : showing a high level of accuracy or polish : precise
  < sound scholarship >
  < paved the way for … sound and fruitful knowledge of antiquity — G.C.Sellery >
  < a sound paragraph — L.B.Nicolson >
 d. chess : admitting of no variation advantageous to the opponent — used of a problem or combination
 e. : founded in law : not defective : legal, valid
  < a sound title to land >
 f. : agreeing with accepted views : orthodox
  < sound in the faith >
  < preached sound doctrine >
 a. : complete, thorough
  < a sound revenge >
  < a sound recovery >
 b. : deep and undisturbed — used of sleep
  < a sound sleep >
 c. : hard, severe
  < a sound whipping >
 a. : marked by loyalty and dependability : trustworthy
  < a sound friend >
  < his shipmates pronounced him sound to the kelson — Herman Melville >
 b. : showing high morale : not disaffected
  < a robust and sound people — Matthew Arnold >
 c. : showing good judgment : level-headed
  < a sound man to have on a governing board >
Synonyms: see healthy, valid
II. adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from sound (I)
: soundly — used with asleep and sleep and in combination
 < sound asleep >
 < slept sound >
 < sound-thinking citizens >
III. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English soun, from Old French son, from Latin sonus; akin to Old English swinn melody, Old Irish senim sounds, playing, Old Latin sonere to sound, Sanskrit svanati it sounds, resounds
 a. : the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing
  < the pattern of nerve impulses arriving in the brain is associated with and subjectively experienced as sound — Otto Stuhlman >
 b. : an auditory impression : noise, tone
  < the sound of thunder >
  < sounds of laughter >
  < the sound of girls' voices — Pearl Buck >
  < from the passageway … the sound of footsteps — Kenneth Roberts >
 c. : mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in air or other material medium and is the objective cause of the sensation of hearing
  < the velocity of sound in air at 32° F is about 1087 feet per second >
 a. : a speech sound
  < a peculiar r-sound >
  < an \ȯ\-sound >
 b. : value in terms of a single speech sound or a succession of speech sounds
  < Polish prz has pretty much the sound of bsch in German hübsch — \psh\ >
3. archaic : rumor, tidings
 < the preachers … spread the glorious sound — William Cowper >
 a. : noise without meaning : mere noise
  < full of sound and fury, signifying nothing — Shakespeare >
  < systems which … deal in sounds instead of sense — Jeremy Bentham >
 b. obsolete : underlying meaning : significance
  < the word has no sound, as I may say, to me — Daniel Defoe >
 c. : the mental impression conveyed by a particular sound or expression : an accompanying implication : import, portent
  < that confession has a suspicious sound to me >
5. : distance within which a particular noise may be heard : earshot, hearing
 < within sound of his voice >
 < the lad was out of sight and out of sound — S.H.Holbrook >
6. : recorded auditory material (as on phonograph discs or motion-picture film)
 < stereophonic sound >
 < with sound there came … the need of good writing — Irving Pichel >
7. : a particular musical style characteristic of an individual, a group, or an area
 < the Nashville sound >
IV. verb
Etymology: Middle English sounen, from Middle French soner, suner, from Latin sonare; akin to Latin sonus sound
intransitive verb
 a. : to make a noise or sound (as with the voice or with an instrument) : produce an audible effect
  < first taught speaking trumpets how to sound — John Dryden >
  < a buzzing noise kept sounding in his ears >
 b. : resound
  < sounding to strains of soft music >
  < the echoes of his clever talk were still sounding — V.L.Parrington >
 c. : to give a signal by sound : summon — used with to
  < the bugle sounds to battle >
 d. archaic : to become known by word of mouth
  < from you sounded out the word of the Lord — 1 Thess 1:8 (Authorized Version) >
 a. : to make or convey a certain impression : have a certain import when heard : seem, appear
  < sounds good to me >
  < the whole thing sounded incredible — Burtt Evans >
 b. obsolete : tend, lean, incline
  < sound neither to matters of state nor of war — George Puttenham >
 c. : to become based or founded — used with in
  < those remedies for rent which sounded in contract — O.W.Holmes †1935 >
  < sound in tort >
  < sound in damages >
  < motives sounding in the need of divine salvation — H.O.Taylor >
 d. : to have or tend to have the character of a specified thing — usually used with in
  < sound in folly >
transitive verb
 a. : to cause to sound (as a musical instrument) : play, strike
  < sounding the gong for breakfast >
  < hear each instrumentalist sound his A — Warwick Braithwaite >
 b. : to produce the sound of : pronounce
  < sound each syllable carefully >
  < sound the keynote >
2. : to put into words : voice
 < how dares thy … tongue sound this unpleasing news — Shakespeare >
 < encomiums are being sounded — A.H.MacCormick >
 a. : to make known : proclaim
  < sound his praises far and wide >
  < sounded its purpose of enforcing its new regulations — Fred Russell >
 b. : to order, signal, or indicate by a sound
  < sound retreat >
  < sound a parley >
  < the clock sounds noon >
4. : to examine the condition of (something) by causing it to emit sounds and noting their character
 < sound a piece of timber >
 < sound the lungs >
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sund swimming, capacity for swimming, strait, sea & Old Norse sund swimming, strait, sound; akin to Middle Low German sunt narrow sea, strait, Old High German swimman to swim — more at swim
 a. : a long and rather broad inlet of the ocean generally with its larger part extending roughly parallel to the coast
 b. : a long passage of water connecting two larger bodies but too wide and extensive to be termed a strait (as a passage connecting a sea or lake with the ocean or with another sea or a channel passing between a mainland and an island)
2. : the air bladder of a fish
VI. verb
Etymology: Middle English sounden, from Middle French sonder, from sonde sounding line, act of sounding, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old English sundgyrd sounding rod, sundlīne sounding line, sundrāp sounding lead, Old Norse sund strait, sound
transitive verb
1. : to measure the depth of (as by a line and plummet) : fathom
 < the crew must often sound the bottom to be sure of enough water — Lyn Harrington >
 < sounding the distance to the bottom and to the ice overhead — W.R.Anderson & Clay Blair >
— see echo sounding
2. : to try to find out (as by discreet questioning) the views or intentions of : feel out : probe
 < sounding various senators as to their willingness to support him — Robert Graves >
— often used with out
 < sound him out on the idea >
 < sounded out the old folks about marrying her — Seumas O'Kelly >
3. : to explore or examine (a body cavity, as the bladder or urethra) with a sound
4. : to remove the sound and other organs from (fish)
5. : to carry down (the towline of a boat) when sounding — used of a whale
intransitive verb
 a. : to ascertain the depth of water especially with a sounding line
  < there was fog … they crept in, soundingChristian Science Monitor >
 b. : to look into or investigate the possibility : put out feelers
  < sent commissioners … to sound for peace — Thomas Jefferson >
 c. of a lead : to go down
  < deeper than did ever plummet sound I'll drown my book — Shakespeare >
2. : to dive suddenly straight toward the bottom — used of a fish and of a whale, especially when hooked or harpooned
 < get to the spot before the whale gathered its wits sufficiently to sound — R.B.Robertson >

- sound the well
VII. noun
Etymology: obsolete sound sounding line, act of sounding, from Middle French sonde
: an elongated instrument or probe by which cavities of the body are sounded or explored for foreign bodies, constriction, or other abnormal conditions (as in the esophagus, urethra, uterus)
VIII. \ˈsün(d)\
dialect Britain
variant of swoon




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