释义 |
pil·lar I. \ˈpilə(r)\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English piler, piller, from Old French piler, from Medieval Latin pilare, from Latin pila pillar, pier 1. a. : a firm upright support for a superstructure : post b. : a column or shaft standing alone especially for a monument 2. : a natural pillar-shaped formation or mass < to follow in the wake of another vehicle … was to move in a pillar of dust — Rose Macaulay > < little pillars of sand rose here and there — Norman Douglas > 3. : one that is a mainstay : a chief supporter : prop < a rough-hewn pillar of the … Church — Ben Riker > < the middlemen, … the pillars of society, the cornerstone of convention — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude > 4. : any of various vertical supporting members: as a. : the central support of a table : pedestal b. : bedpost c. : stanchion d. : the vertical hollow post of a harp frame — see harp illustration 5. : something regarded as a chief support : a fundamental fact, idea, principle, or practice < science and criticism had eaten away the pillars of superstition and unreasoning faith — W.P.Webb > < there are five compulsory practices, or pillars of Islam — A.C.Bouquet > 6. : any of the brass posts between the two plates of a watch or clock movement that serve to keep the plates in their proper positions 7. : a solid mass of coal, rock, or ore left standing to support the roof 8. : the center of the volt, ring, or manege ground around which a horse turns 9. : a body part likened to a pillar or column (as the columella of a snail shell or the margin of the external abdominal ring); specifically : pillar of the fauces 10. : a mailbox shaped like a pillar 11. : a frame on which clay pipes rest while being baked in a kiln • - from pillar to post II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to support or strengthen with or as if with a pillar 2. : to embody in or represent in the form of a pillar intransitive verb : to be supported by pillars |