

单词 high
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: junior high school , or knee-high , or knee-high blackberry , or lord high admiral , or lord high almoner of england , or lord high chancellor , or lord high commissioner , or lord high constable , or lord high steward , or lord high treasurer of england , or middle high german , or most high , or old high german , or senior high school , or shoulder-high , or bermuda high , or three-high , or two-high , or type-high , or type-high gage , or very high frequency , or very-high-frequency , or waist-high , or high-concept , or high-definition , or high-density lipoprotein , or high-end , or high-energy , or high-energy physics , or high-performance liquid chromatography , or high-riser , or high tech , or high technology , or high-ticket , or high-top , or high-voltage , or high-wire , or runner's high , or breast-high scent , or high five , or high hat , or high school , or high-cut , or high-grade , or high-hat , or high-level , or high-pressure , or high-rise , or high-up , or hell or high water , or high gum , or high holy day , or high jinx , or high-five , or high-grader , or high-grading , or high-handedly , or high-handedness , or high-heartedly , or high-heartedness , or high-hole , or high-holer , or high-jacker , or high-mindedly , or high-mindedness , or high-muckety-muck , or high-power , or high-pressure liquid chromatography , or high-spiritedly , or high-spiritedness , or high-tech , or high-tone , or high-water mark , or hit the high spots , or eat high on the hog , or extremely high frequency , or fly high , or folk high school , or hell and high water , or high altar , or high analysis , or high and dry , or high and low , or high-and-mighty , or high-angle fire , or high-back , or high bar , or high beam , or high beams , or high blood pressure , or high blower , or high-blown , or high blueberry , or high-boiling , or high-braced , or high brass , or high-browed , or high-brown , or high-card pool , or high-central , or high chair , or high church , or high churchman , or high-class , or high-climber , or high cockalorum , or high command , or high commission , or high commissioner , or high council , or high-count , or high court , or high court of justice , or high court of justiciary , or high cranberry , or high crime , or high daddy , or high day , or high-dried , or high dutch , or high-duty , or high enema , or high explosive , or high fashion , or high festival , or high fidelity , or high finance , or high flanker , or high-flown , or high-flying , or high forest , or high frequency , or high-frequency , or high-frequency telephony , or high-front , or high gear , or high german , or high german consonant shift , or high grade , or high-ground willow oak , or high-grown , or high-handed , or high heal-all , or high-hearted , or high-high , or high-holder , or high holiday , or high horse , or high-house , or high hurdles , or high iron , or high-jack , or high jinks , or high jump , or high jumper , or high jumping , or high-key , or high-lead , or high-lead logging , or high-line , or high-line logging , or high-lived , or high liver , or high lonesome , or high-low , or high-low-jack , or high mallow , or high mass , or high-melting , or high milling , or high-minded , or high-mixed , or high moor , or high-muck-a-muck , or high noon , or high-octane , or high-pass filter , or high-pitched , or high place , or high polymer , or high port , or high-powered , or high-pressure area , or high priest , or high priestess , or high priesthood , or high-priestly , or high-proof , or high relief , or high renaissance , or high rigger , or high roller , or high schooler , or high sea , or high-sighted , or high sign , or high-sounding , or high-speed , or high-speed steel , or high-speed turn , or high-spirited , or high-step , or high-stepper , or high-stepping , or high-sticking , or high street , or high-strung , or high style , or high table , or high tea , or high-temperature , or high-temperature cement , or high-temperature short-time method , or high-tension , or high-test , or high-test hypochlorite , or high tide , or high-toned , or high treason , or high-warp , or high water , or high-water , or high-water line , or high-water shrub , or high wine , or high wire , or high-wrought , or high yellow , or hit the high points , or hole-high , or ace-high




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更新时间:2025/3/12 15:13:58