

单词 simple
释义 sim·ple
I. \ˈsimpəl\ adjective
(simpler \-p(ə)lə(r)\ ; simplest \-p(ə)lə̇st\)
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, plain, uncomplicated, artless, from Latin simplus or simplex; Latin simplus from sem-, sim- one + -plus multiplied by; Latin simplic-, simplex from sem-, sim- + -plic-, -plex -fold; akin to Greek diplak-, diplax twofold, double, and perhaps to Latin plaga surface, region — more at same, double, flake
1. : free from guile : innocent, artless
 < children grow up in simple beauty around his table — Irish Digest >
 a. : free from vanity or conceit : modest, unassuming
  < his simple manners and unaffected friendliness — A.W.Long >
 b. : free from ostentation or display : plain, unadorned
  < her black dress, simple to austerity — W.S.Maugham >
  < a simple rectangular brick building — American Guide Series: Virginia >
  < his home simple, his possessions few — P.E.James >
  < love of the simple life, of trees and small animals — B.M.Woodbridge >
 a. : of humble origin : common
  < found it easier to proclaim himself a prophet than in his home city, where everyone had known him as a simple camel driver — H.W.Van Loon >
 b. archaic : lacking special distinction : ordinary
  < this change affected … only the simple barons — William Stubbs >
 c. archaic : wanting in power or importance : feeble, insignificant
  < a simple woman, much too weak to oppose your cunning — Shakespeare >
  < scoffed at … this high quest as at a simple thing — Alfred Tennyson >
 a. : lacking in knowledge or scholarly finesse : uneducated, inexpert
  < a simple amateur … or a serious scholar — Denys Sutton >
  < show my mind, according to my shallow simple skill — Shakespeare >
  (1) : mentally retarded : stupid, half-witted
   < one of the girls is simple, the other works as a domestic — J.M.Mogey >
  (2) : easily deceived : credulous, gullible
   < the whole town was baited with … trickery to catch the simple cowhand and remove his cash — S.H.Holbrook >
 c. : being at a relatively low cultural level : naïve, unsophisticated
  < the worldwide story of the conquest of simple peoples and their homelands by the civilization, arms, and diseases of a more dominant race — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 a. : lacking admixture or qualification : pure, sheer
  < simple honesty requires us to admit that none of our creeds are entirely free from guesswork — M.R.Cohen >
  < a net rusher pure and simple lacking a really powerful serve — Sydney (Australia) Bulletin >
  < in no case may a warrant be issued for a simple exploratory search — Paul Wilson >
  < ratification of treaties by a simple majority — Vera M. Dean >
  (1) : free of secondary complications
   < a simple fracture >
  (2) : containing or consisting of elementary ingredients
   < her cures were simple … usually very sensible — Mary Webb >
 c. : consisting of or constituting a basic element : fundamental, uncompounded
  < one of those simple and profound experiences … which people seem always to have known when it happens to them — Thomas Wolfe >
  < even under the most uniform laboratory conditions, a simple color will be complex to the extent of having a bluish edge — John Dewey >
 specifically : elemental 2a(2)
  (1) : having a relatively small and uncomplicated molecule : not complex
  (2) : made up of essentially similar constituents
   < a simple compound >
   : characterized by the same groups, radicals, or ions
   < triacetin is a simple glyceride >
   — opposed to mixed
 e. : admitting of no analysis into parts — opposed to complex
 f. : having the least possible scoring value in its class
 a. : grammatically uncomplicated: as
  (1) : having no subsidiary components (as suffixes or combining forms) : being a simplex
   < a simple word >
   — contrasted with complex, compound
  (2) : having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses
   < “let's go for a walk” is a simple sentence >
   — contrasted with complex, compound
  (3) : having no modifiers, complements, or objects
   < in the sentence “birds fly” birds is the simple subject and fly the simple predicate >
   — compare complete
  (4) : formed without the use of an auxiliary verb
   < simple tense >
   — opposed to compound
  (1) : having two, three, or four basic rhythmic units to the musical measure (as 2/4, 3/2, 4/8)
   < simple time >
   < simple meter >
   — compare compound
  (2) : free from elaboration or figuration
   < simple harmony >
   < simple counterpoint >
   — contrasted with figurate
  (3) : not greater than the octave
   < simple interval >
 c. : not complex or compound
  < simple fractions >
  < simple magnitudes >
  < simple operations >
  < simple equations >
  < simple interest >
  (1) : not subdivided into branches
   < simple stem >
  (2) : monocarpellary
  (3) : consisting of cells of a similar structure and function
   < simple tissue >
  (4) : developing from a single ovary
   < simple fruit >
 e. : uncomplicated in structure
  < a simple lens >
  < a simple democracy in which the heads of families met fortnightly to consult about … matters — American Guide Series: Rhode Island >
 f. : apparently dependent on the action of a single gene
  < simple inherited characters >
  (1) : homogeneous 2a
   < a simple mineral >
  (2) : primitive 1c — compare space lattice
 a. : oral or written but not under seal or of record
  < simple contract >
 b. : unaccompanied by complicating factors (as violence)
 c. : having no limitation or restrictions : absolute, unconditional
  < simple obligation >
  — compare fee simple
8. : readily understood or performed : causing little difficulty : easy, straightforward
 < our mother … was as complex as our father was simple — L.C.Powys >
 < the causes … lie deep, and to explain them is not simple — William Petersen >
 < nontechnical, clear-cut, easily understandable, simple step-by-step … rules which could be used by the average person — W.J.Reilly >
 foolish, silly, fatuous, asinine: simple in this sense may imply either a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex, a more definite feeblemindedness, or, in relation to persons of normal capacity, a failure to use one's intelligence
  < she's rather simple, poor dear, and she thinks we're all wonderful — W.S.Maugham >
  < you are fretting about General Tilucy, and that is very simple of you — Jane Austen >
  foolish may indicate a mere lack of judgment or discretion or capricious failure to employ good sense and seriousness
  < virtuous or vicious, thrifty or careless, wise or foolish — G.B.Shaw >
  < but foolish man foregoes his proper bliss — William Cowper >
  silly may describe gross lack of judgment; it may connote folly, inanity, or nonsense
  < the cut of her chiffon dress hinted that she had a silly conception of romance — Rebecca West >
  < the vapid and silly chatter of ordinary sociability — J.C.Powys >
  fatuous is likely to involve fond, delusive, obtuse foolishness and disregard of reality
  < with fatuous beaming he described a night at Barney's; without any success whatever, he tried to be funny — Sinclair Lewis >
  < her haughtiness in the day of glory was simply fatuous, based on stupidity — Arnold Bennett >
  < a number of fatuous theories about the connection of Central American culture with that of the Old World have been broached — Edward Clodd >
  asinine describes utter failure to exercise normal intelligence, rationality, or perception
  < his reply was simply contemptuous … “What an asinine question!” — Bram Stoker >
  < their cumulative efforts have resulted in the most asinine and inept movie that has come out of Hollywood in years — John McCarten >
Synonym: see in addition easy, natural, plain, pure.
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from simple (I)
 a. : a person of humble birth : commoner
  < thought very little of anybody, simples or gentry — Virginia Woolf >
  (1) : an uneducated or unduly credulous person : ignoramus, gull
   < universal education destroyed the advantage which the shrewd had over the simple — Reinhold Niebuhr >
  (2) : a mentally retarded person : simpleton
   < buffoons … were usually simples or hunchbacks — J.S.Clarke >
 a. : a plant used for its supposed medicinal properties
  < the herb garden and barn redolent with drying bunches of simples — Lucy Embury >
 b. : a vegetable drug or medicinal preparation having only one ingredient
  < herbs for their homely simples — Flora Thompson >
3. : a single element : one component of a complex; specifically : an unanalyzable constituent
4. simples plural, dialect chiefly England : foolish behavior : silliness
 < you should be cut for the simples this morning — Jonathan Swift >
5. : a set of cords for raising the heddles of a drawloom
6. : a feast of the lowest liturgical order of precedence in the Roman Catholic Church — compare double 1b
III. adverb
1. obsolete : in an unassuming manner : humbly, modestly
 < as simple as I stand here — Ben Jonson >
2. dialect : in a silly manner : foolishly
IV. verb
(simpled ; simpled ; simpling \-p(ə)liŋ\ ; simples)
intransitive verb
[simple (II) ] obsolete : to gather herbs for simples
transitive verb
[simple (I) ] : to cause (a compound steam engine) to work like a simple engine by admitting live steam directly from the boiler to the low-pressure cylinder
 < simple the engine in starting a heavy freight train >
V. adjective
of a statistical hypothesis : specifying exact values for one or more statistical parameters — compare composite herein




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