

单词 sieve
释义 sieve
I. \ˈsiv\ noun
Etymology: Middle English sive, seve, from Old English sife; akin to Middle Dutch seve sieve, Old High German sib sieve, Old Norse sef rush (plant), Serbian sípiti to drizzle; basic meaning: drip, trickle
 a. : a meshed or perforated device or utensil through which dry loose material (as flour or ashes) is winnowed or refined, material containing liquid is strained, and soft solids (as hard-boiled eggs) are comminuted by forcing (as with a pestle); sometimes : sifter
 b. : material meshed or perforated like a sieve
  < strips of sieve >
2. : a meshed or perforated sheet (as of metal or cloth) with apertures of uniform size used to separate powdered or granulated material according to the size of its particles as:
 a. : one woven from wire cloth having square apertures and used chiefly in a chemistry laboratory
 b. : a rectangular wooden frame covered with wire screen on one side and silk cloth on the other and used in a flour-milling sifter
3. : gossip
 < the sieve of a patron let it out — Lord Byron >
4. slang : a body riddled by bullets
 < made a mistake trying to kill his ex-wife's new husband — ending up a sieve — Bill O'Rourke >
5. : sieve of eratosthenes — usually used with the
 < first proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Eratosthenes and … usually known as the sieve — George Gamow >
II. verb
transitive verb
 a. : to put through a sieve or sifter or meshed material
  < sieved avocado >
  < sieve the cocoa with the flour >
  < the oxide catalyst is … crushed and sieved to give granules of uniform size — E.R.Riegel >
 b. : to separate or separate out by putting through a sieve or sifter or meshed material
  < sieve the juice from the pulp >
  — usually used with out
  < sieve out the finer grains >
 a. : to study (a whole) carefully for the purpose of extracting a part : screen
  < a hundred candidates must be sieved to find one who knows the score — H.M.Silver >
 b. : to separate by a process of careful study or by trial : winnow — usually used with out
  < sieve out inessentials >
  < the test sieved out several of the candidates >
  < in order to identify the essence of a national style one must sieve out the radical evidence — Harvey Breit >
3. : perforate
 < the ceiling … sieved with millions of pinpoint holes for ventilation — New Republic >
intransitive verb
1. : to use a sieve or sifter : do sieving
2. : to pass through or as if through a sieve or sifter or meshed material
 < the dust from the ashes sieved through >
 < her mother's voice … sieved through the screen … out of the lighted kitchen — John Hermann >
— compare sift




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