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side·ways I. \ˈsīdˌwāz\ adverb Etymology: side (I) + -ways 1. : from the side < the scenes are viewed sideways — Eastman Kodak Monthly Abstract Bulletin > 2. : with one side to the front or in advance : with the side rather than the face, front, or end presented to view : with the side foremost : in a position so as to offer one side < lie sideways > < turn sideways > 3. a. : to, toward, or at one side horizontally : in a lateral or sideward direction : obliquely < slip sideways > < glance sideways > < swim sideways > b. : downward on one side : with an inclination downward and to one side < leaning sideways > c. : with a slighting, scornful, or flirting glance < look sideways at someone > II. adjective : moving, directed, or tending toward one side : indirect < sideways glance > < a sideways movement > |