

单词 share
释义 share
I. \ˈshe](ə)r, ˈsha(a)], ]ə\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, pubic region, due portion, share, from Old English scearu tonsure, pubic region; akin to Old High German skara troop, Old Norse skör hair, rim, Old English sceran, scieran to cut, shear — more at shear
1. obsolete
 a. : the bony pubis or the pubic region
  (1) : the fork of the human body
  (2) : private 3
 a. : a portion belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual
  < his share in his father's estate >
  < put up his share of the cost >
 b. : one's full or fair portion
  < had his share of luck >
  (1) : the part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together any property or interest : the undivided interest of any one of a number owning jointly or in common : an apportioned lot : allotment, dividend
  (2) : any of the equal portions into which any property or invested capital is divided
   < a ship owned in 64 shares >
  usually : any of the equal interests or rights into which the entire capital stock of a corporation is divided : any of a number of equal indivisible rights or interests in the management, profits, and ultimate assets of a corporation constituting the property of those who own it and being regularly evidenced by one or more certificates — compare preferred stock
  (3) shares plural, chiefly Britain : stock 28a
3. archaic : segment, piece, division: as
 a. obsolete : a portion of land assigned to a particular holder
 b. obsolete : a part cut off : cut, section

- for one's share
- on shares
II. verb
transitive verb
1. : to divide and distribute in portions : apportion, divide
 < share one's estate between one's heirs >
— usually followed by out or with
 < shared out the proceeds of the sale >
2. : to partake of, use, experience, or enjoy with others : have a portion of
 < share a room >
3. : to grant or be granted a share in
 < share one's gains with another >
 < shared their crops in season >
4. : to participate in, take, possess, or undergo in common
 < share danger >
 < sharing a common responsibility >
5. archaic : to allot as one's share
6. obsolete : to receive, take, or possess as one's share
intransitive verb
1. : to have a share : take part — used with in
 < all may share in these pleasures >
 < willing to share in the work >
2. : to apportion and take shares of something
 < the robbers shared and fled separately >
 share, participate, and partake can mean to have, use, exercise, experience, or engage in something in common with another or others. share implies that one as original owner or holder grants to another the partial use, enjoyment, or possession of a thing
  < share your lunch with a friend >
  < share one's enjoyment with another >
  < none has shared so generously with the reader her personal passion for the stuffs, jewels and decorations that made the palace a wonder — Time >
  < to share surpluses is not really to share at all — H.S.Truman >
  or, often with in, that one as receiver accepts the partial use, enjoyment, or possession of something belonging to or held by another
  < ask a neighbor to share in a Thanksgiving dinner >
  < share in another's joy >
  < share another's disgust at losing an important golf game >
  < those who do not share his faith in the sufficiency of empirical science — J.E.Smith >
  or it can merely imply a mutual use, enjoyment, or possession of something
  < the few artists or writers who have shared the tastes of the average man — Roger Fry >
  < diseases which man shares with animals — Time >
  participate implies a having or taking of a part of or a share in a thing, as an experience, work, or an enterprise
  < the citizens refused to participate in any further elections under this law — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  < she did not participate in the inheritance of the husband after they were married — Ralph Linton >
  < a citizen of one state has no right to participate in the government of another — R.B.Taney >
  < invited to participate in the discussion — L.M.Goodrich >
  partake, often used with of and sometimes with in, implies an accepting, taking, or acquiring a share of something, especially food, drink, or a pleasure, often in extension signifying merely to consume
  < he had partaken of as much as a pint daily of alcohol for years — Journal American Medical Association >
  < the story itself ceases to be merely melodramatic, and partakes of true drama — T.S.Eliot >
  < they unconsciously partakes in his imagery — E.H.Erikson >

- share and share alike
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English shaar, from Old English scear; akin to Middle Low German schār, schāre plowshare, Old High German scaro plowshare, Old English sceran, scieran to cut, shear
: plowshare — see plow illustration
IV. transitive verb
Etymology: alteration of shear (I)
obsolete : cut, shear, cleave, divide; also : to form by cutting
V. transitive verb
: to tell (as thoughts or experiences) to others — often used with with
intransitive verb
: to tell insights, thoughts, reflections, or experiences to others — often used with with




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