

单词 hoi polloi
hoi polloi
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The hoi polloi is a way of referring to common people, and it is an elitist term usually used by people who consider themselves to be above the masses.
Snobs rarely like the hoi polloi — that is, the masses, a.k.a. "the great unwashed." The term comes from the Greek for "the many." Perhaps because of the similar sounding term hoity-toity to mean someone with fancy airs the phrase is sometimes mistaken for its exact opposite — the elite or upper class. Don't be fooled.
hoi polloi
To say “every idea she ever had was scatterbrained, dangerous and hateful” just does not ring the bell with the hoi polloi.
New York Times(Sep 05, 2016)
She's picked a fight with the hoi polloi, something that's never a good idea, and she should not expect it to be over anytime soon.
US News(Sep 13, 2016)
And yet, pay attention at any busy public restroom and it’s clear the “great unwashed” refers to more than just the hoi polloi.
Washington Times(Aug 09, 2016)
n the common people generally
mass, masses, multitude, people, the great unwashed
laity, temporalty
in Christianity, members of a religious community that do not have the priestly responsibilities of ordained clergy
the part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment
followers, following
a group of followers or enthusiasts
the audience reached by written communications (books or magazines or newspapers etc.)
TV audience, viewers, viewing audience
the audience reached by television
a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance
any loyal and steadfast following
the fans of a sport or famous person
group, grouping
any number of entities (members) considered as a unit




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