

单词 hegemony
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Hegemony is political or cultural dominance or authority over others. The hegemony of the popular kids over the other students means that they determine what is and is not cool.
Hegemony comes from the Greek hegemon "leader." Wealthy lender nations hoping to determine political outcomes and trade decisions have established hegemony over the debtor nations they lend to. As well as the dominance of one group or nation over others, hegemony is also the term for the leading group or nation itself. During the American Revolution, colonists fought to throw off the British hegemony.
hegemony: hegemonies
California secessionists are almost uniformly leftists disgusted by conservative hegemony in the heartland.
Salon(Dec 29, 2016)
China’s behavior shows its intention to intimidate its neighbors and establish hegemony in East Asia.
Wall Street Journal(Dec 18, 2016)
The publisher is uniquely placed to challenge the JIF’s hegemony.
Nature(Dec 07, 2016)
n the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
the hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation
to say they have priority is not to say they have complete hegemony
the consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system
form of government, political system
the members of a social organization who are in power




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