

单词 stimulation
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Stimulation spurs an organism to act. It can also be any specific event that causes someone to do something.
Have you ever had a teacher who made you excited about a subject you didn't like before, causing you to study harder and learn more? That teacher must've provided stimulation: through the teacher, you were motivated to give more effort to the class. Like a stimulant, stimulation causes things to happen. A doctor hitting your knee is a type of stimulation that makes your leg jerk up. In zoos, animals are provided with food-based stimulation to make them exercise.
stimulation: self-stimulation, stimulations+/stimulate: stimulated, stimulates, stimulating, stimulation, stimulative/stimulating: stimulatingly, unstimulating/stimulus: stimulate, stimuli
Mr. Giandrea says that many people are interested in the “nonmonetary benefits of continued employment,” including “mental stimulation and continued social networks.”
Wall Street Journal(Nov 28, 2016)
Another research project is focused on brain stimulation, which Prause believes could provide an alternative to drugs such as Addyi, the “female Viagra”.
The Guardian(Nov 25, 2016)
Most of the footage is stunning, yet the film is more about observation than visual stimulation.
Washington Post(Nov 22, 2016)
1n the act of arousing an organism to action
galvanisation, galvanization
stimulation that arouses a person to lively action
arousal, rousing
the act of arousing
2n any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action
input, stimulant, stimulus
elicitation, evocation, induction
stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a particular class of behaviors
the sudden stimulation provided by strong drink (or certain drugs)
something causing excitement or stimulating interest
negative stimulation, turnoff
something causing antagonism or loss of interest
conditioned stimulus
the stimulus that is the occasion for a conditioned response
reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing stimulus
(psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it
cue, discriminative stimulus
a stimulus that provides information about what to do
positive stimulus
a stimulus with desirable consequences
negative stimulus
a stimulus with undesirable consequences
positive reinforcer, positive reinforcing stimulus
a reinforcing stimulus that serves to increase the likelihood of the response that produces it
negative reinforcer, negative reinforcing stimulus
a reinforcing stimulus whose removal serves to decrease the likelihood of the response that produced it
bonus, fillip
anything that tends to arouse
delight, joy, pleasure
something or someone that provides a source of happiness
annoyance, bother, botheration, infliction, pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck
something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness
aversive stimulus
any negative stimulus to which an organism will learn to make a response that avoids it
concern, headache, vexation, worry
something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness
grief, sorrow
something that causes great unhappiness
knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction
3n (physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.)
stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical
galvanisation, galvanization
stimulation with a galvanic current
activation by an inner spirit or force or principle
action, activity, natural action, natural process
a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)
4n mutual sexual fondling prior to sexual intercourse
caressing, cuddling, fondling, hugging, kissing, necking, petting, smooching, snuggling
affectionate play (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs)
(British informal) cuddle and kiss
sex, sex activity, sexual activity, sexual practice
activities associated with sexual intercourse




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