

单词 chattel
(once / 2611 pages)

All that stuff in your room? The books, posters, dirty sneakers and all of your other personal belongings? That's what we call chattel.
Chattel refers to personal items, as opposed to actual land property. It was once used to describe slaves and cattle, which is why referring to something or someone as chattel isn't very nice — you're essentially saying they're just property, somehow less than human. Despite the fact that chattel is an outdated word these days, it's probably still safe to call your bottle cap collection worthless chattel.
chattel: chattels
They had worked for 20 years to bring down the worst institution in American history, chattel slavery.
Washington Post(Nov 18, 2016)
Considering the way women have been treated as chattel for so much of our history, it was a pretty damn important symbol.
Salon(Nov 09, 2016)
Players in those days were essentially sporting chattels: disempowered, desperate to keep working, part of a culture that lingered on doggedly in English football.
The Guardian(Nov 07, 2016)
n personal as opposed to real property; any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc)
movable, personal chattel
personal estate, personal property, personalty, private property
movable property (as distinguished from real estate)




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