

单词 nationalization
(once / 7543 pages)

Nationalization is when something that's been privately owned switches to being controlled by the government. In the United States, airport security went through nationalization in 2001, becoming a government agency.
Nationalization is often viewed negatively in countries with capitalist economic systems, seen by some as a slide toward socialism or communism, in which nationalization partly serves to redistribute money among all citizens. At various times in the US, nationalization has occurred in areas like the railway system, utility companies, and banks. The Latin root word is nationem, "birth, origin, breed, or tribe," and the original meaning of nationalization was "the act of investing with a national character."
nationalization: nationalizations+/International: Internationals/denationalise: denationalisation, denationalised, denationalising/denationalize: denationalization, denationalized, denationalizes, denationalizing/international: internationalise, internationalism, internationality, internationalize, internationally/internationalise: internationalisation, internationalised, internationalising/internationalism: internationalist, internationalistic/internationalist: internationalists/internationality: internationalities/internationalize: internationalization, internationalized, internationalizes, internationalizing/nation: national, nationhood, nations/national: International, international, multinational, nationalise, nationalism, nationality, nationalize, nationally, nationals, supranational, transnational/nationalise: denationalise, nationalisation, nationalised, nationalising/nationalism: nationalisms, nationalist, nationalistic, ultranationalism/nationalist: nationalists/nationalistic: nationalistically/nationality: nationalities/nationalize: denationalize, nationalization, nationalized, nationalizes, nationalizing/nationhood: nationhoods/supranational: supranationally/ultranationalism: ultranationalistic
The banker fled Kazakhstan amid the nationalization of BTA Bank.
Seattle Times(Dec 09, 2016)
Castro’s mother and sister Juanita never forgave their brother for ordering the nationalization of the family property.
Washington Post(Dec 03, 2016)
In the early 2000s, the president at the time, Hugo Chávez, began a broad nationalization of Venezuelan drugmakers in an effort to produce cheaper medicines.
New York Times(Oct 01, 2016)
1n changing something from private to state ownership or control
communisation, communization, nationalisation
denationalisation, denationalization, privatisation, privatization
changing something from state to private ownership or control
social control
control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
2n the action of forming or becoming a nation
group action
action taken by a group of people
3n the action of rendering national in character
the action of changing something




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