单词 | change integrity |
释义 | change integrity (extremely rare) v WORD FAMILY change integrity v change in physical make-up Hypo|Hyper reform break up the molecules of polymerise, polymerizeundergo polymerization polymerise, polymerizecause (a compound) to polymerize burst, explodeburst outward, usually with noise blow up, detonate, explode, set offcause to burst with a violent release of energy cooktransform and make suitable for consumption by heating break up, disperse, scattercause to separate break, come apart, fall apart, separate, split upbecome separated into pieces or fragments pasteurise, pasteurizeheat food in order to kill harmful microorganisms condensecause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid evaporate, vaporise, vaporizelose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue burn, incineratecause to undergo combustion blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, conflate, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mixmix together different elements disintegratebreak into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity decay, decompose, disintegratelose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current inspissate, thickenmake viscous or dense aerify, gasify, vaporise, vaporizeturn into gas flux, liquefy, liquifybecome liquid or fluid when heated solidifybecome solid solidifymake solid or more solid; cause to solidify crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallizecause to form crystals or assume crystalline form break up, dissolve, resolvecause to go into a solution demulsifybreak down into components jellify, jellymake into jelly jellifybecome jelly separatedivide into components or constituents break down, collapse, crumble, crumple, tumblefall apart carve up, dissever, divide, separate, split, split upseparate into parts or portions consolidatemake or form into a solid or hardened mass consolidateform into a solid mass or whole break down, break up, decomposeseparate (substances) into constituent elements or parts copolymerise, copolymerizepolymerize together fulminatecause to explode violently and with loud noise crumpexplode heavily or with a loud dull noise go offbe discharged or activated dynamiteblow up with dynamite belch, erupt, extravasatebecome active and spew forth lava and rocks break open, burst, splitcome open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure puncturebe pierced or punctured bakecook and make edible by putting in a hot oven brownfry in a pan until it changes color coddlecook in nearly boiling water sousecook in a marinade micro-cook, microwave, nuke, zapcook or heat in a microwave oven blanch, parboilcook (vegetables) briefly overcookcook too long fricasseemake a fricassee of by cooking stewcook slowly and for a long time in liquid roastcook with dry heat, usually in an oven braisecook in liquid frycook on a hot surface using fat grillcook over a grill steamcook something by letting steam pass over it pressure-cookcook in a pressure cooker dialyse, dialyzeseparate by dialysis backscatterscatter (radiation) by the atoms of the medium through which it passes peptise, peptizedisperse in a medium into a colloidal state powder, powderise, powderize, pulverise, pulverizemake into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust powderise, powderize, pulverise, pulverizebecome powder or dust run, unravelbecome undone subdividedivide into smaller and smaller pieces burst, bustbreak open or apart suddenly and forcefully smashbreak suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow ladder, runcome unraveled or undone as if by snagging crack, snapbreak suddenly and abruptly, as under tension break up, fragment, fragmentise, fragmentizebreak or cause to break into pieces condense, distil, distillundergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops sublimate, sublimechange or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting transpireexude water vapor concreteform into a solid mass; coalesce dethaw, dissolve, melt, thaw, unfreeze, unthawbecome or cause to become soft or liquid gaugemix in specific proportions absorbcause to become one with meld, meltlose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually blend in, mix incause (something) to be mixed with (something else) accretegrow together (of plants and organs) conjugateunite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds admixmix or blend alloymake an alloy of fusebecome plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat crumble, fall apartbreak or fall apart into fragments digestsoften or disintegrate, as by undergoing exposure to heat or moisture macerateseparate into constituents by soaking congeal, jell, setbecome gelatinous crystalise, crystalize, crystallize, effloresceassume crystalline form; become crystallized melt, melt down, runreduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating freeze, freeze down, freeze outchange from a liquid to a solid when cold dissolvepass into a solution cutdissolve by breaking down the fat of poachcook in a simmering liquid syncretise, syncretizebecome fused crushbecome injured, broken, or distorted by pressure format, initialise, initializedivide (a disk) into marked sectors so that it may store data card, teaseseparate the fibers of filter, filter out, filtrate, separate out, strainremove by passing through a filter extractseparate (a metal) from an ore fractionateobtain by a fractional process fractionateseparate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constituents sieve, sift, strainseparate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements washseparate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals) break apart, break up, crashbreak violently or noisily; smash; disperseseparate (light) into spectral rays avulseseparate by avulsion sectionalise, sectionalizedivide into sections, especially into geographic sections triangulatedivide into triangles or give a triangular form to unitise, unitizedivide (bulk material) and process as units lotdivide into lots, as of land, for example parceldivide into parts sliver, splinterdivide into slivers or splinters paragraphdivide into paragraphs, as of text cantondivide into cantons, of a country Balkanise, Balkanizedivide a territory into small, hostile states change undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature |
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