

单词 naivete
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If you suggest that world peace could be achieved by handing out cookies in warring nations, you would be revealing a certain amount of naivete. This is a lack of wisdom and sophistication.
Naivete has four syllables and is pronounced nigh-eve-i-TAY. The root naïve is a French adjective meaning “natural, just born.” Because it suggests innocence or ignorance, naivete is often associated with children, who lack experience and knowledge. But plenty of adults, too, display a certain amount of naivete when they make assumptions based on ignorance, an inability to grasp a situation, or a tendency to oversimplify complex things.
naivete: naivetes
Some say it is his lack of experience in foreign policy, or an oft-stated admiration for strongmen, or naivete about Russian intentions.
Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016)
Yet it’s impossible for the xx to return to teenage naïveté.
New York Times(Dec 28, 2016)
In my grandiose naïveté, I again turned down the offer of stardom.
New York Times(Dec 16, 2016)
n lack of sophistication or worldliness
naiveness, naivety
mundaneness, mundanity, sophistication, worldliness
the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment
artlessness, ingenuousness, innocence, naturalness
the quality of innocent naivete
credulousness, gullibility
tendency to believe too readily and therefore to be easily deceived
simple mindedness, simpleness, simplicity
a lack of penetration or subtlety
an innocent quality or thing or act
an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone




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