

单词 recollection
(once / 257 pages)

Recollection is either the process of remembering something or a specific memory.
If someone says, "To the best of my recollection, I never met Ted," they're saying they tried to remember Ted and couldn’t. Basically, your memory is your recollection. You can also say your memories are recollections. You could have a recollection of a baseball game on your birthday. If you know that collecting is to gather things, it makes sense that recollecting is like the process of gathering your memories.
recollection: recollections+/collect: collectable, collected, collectible, collecting, collection, collective, collector, collects, recollect/collected: collectedly, self-collected, uncollected/collectible: collectibles, uncollectible/collecting: collectings/collection: collections/collective: collectively, collectives, collectivise, collectivism, collectivize/collectivise: collectivisation, collectivised/collectivism: collectivisms, collectivist, collectivistic/collectivist: collectivists/collectivistic: collectivistically/collectivization: collectivizations/collectivize: collectivization, collectivized, collectivizing/collector: collectors/recollect: recollected, recollecting, recollection, recollective, recollects
In between begging, Roughol sat in the local park jotting his recollections in notebooks, which he handed over to Debré to edit.
The Guardian(Dec 31, 2016)
With a grin at a sudden recollection she says, “I remember her sister, my youngest, was born when there was a big earthquake in Pakistan.”
Seattle Times(Dec 22, 2016)
Which is, perhaps, a sadly appropriate note on which to end a recollection of 2016.
The New Yorker(Dec 13, 2016)
1n the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
recall, reminiscence
recall or remembrance
reconstruction, reconstructive memory
recall that is hypothesized to work by storing abstract features which are then used to construct the memory during recall
reproduction, reproductive memory
recall that is hypothesized to work by storing the original stimulus input and reproducing it during recall
recall after rote memorization
memory, remembering
the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered
2n the ability to recall past occurrences
anamnesis, remembrance
memory, retention, retentiveness, retentivity
the power of retaining and recalling past experience
3n something recalled to the mind
something that is remembered




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