

单词 murmuration
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When you speak in a voice so low and soft it can barely be heard, it's a murmuration. A speaker might get distracted if she hears the sound of the audience's murmuration.
To talk very quietly is to murmur, and one name for the sound this makes is a murmuration. This word is generally used in novels and poems, often describing something that resembles the sound of people murmuring, like the murmuration of rustling leaves in the trees. Murmuration is also a term of venery — a collective noun for a group of animals. If you see an enormous, swooping flock of starlings in the sky, you can call it a murmuration.
murmur: murmuration, murmured, murmurer, murmuring, murmurous, murmurred, murmurring, murmurs+/murmurer: murmurers/murmuring: murmuringly, murmurings/murmurous: murmurously
Theirs was a sensitive, carefully balanced ensemble, with a sound surging and blending with the fluid exactitude of a murmuration of birds.
Seattle Times(Aug 05, 2016)
When the tiny figure could be seen, threading wearily through the far trees of the chase, a murmuration went up among the people.
T. H. White, The Once and Future King(1958)
And a group of eight looked as sturdy as that pair in the New York premiere of “Murmuration,” by the British choreographer George Williamson.
New York Times(Apr 17, 2016)
n a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
murmur, murmuring, mussitation, mutter, muttering
the sudden occurrence of an audible event




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