

单词 recalculate
(once / 62537 pages)

To recalculate is to count or measure something again, using new information. You might need to recalculate your monthly budget after your landlord raises the rent.
If the vet says your cat is getting too fat, you'll have to recalculate how much you feed him to help him lose weight. And when you're planning a dinner party and your brother announces he's bringing five friends, you'll need to recalculate how much food to make. We can trace the verb calculate back to the Latin calculus, originally "pebble used as a reckoning counter." The prefix re- adds the sense of "do it again."
recalculate: recalculated, recalculates, recalculating, recalculation+/calculable: calculably, incalculable/calculate: calculable, calculated, calculates, calculating, calculation, calculative, calculator, miscalculate, recalculate/calculated: calculatedly/calculating: calculatingly/calculation: calculations/calculative: calculatively/calculator: calculators/incalculable: incalculably/miscalculate: miscalculated, miscalculates, miscalculating, miscalculation/miscalculation: miscalculations/recalculation: recalculations
After several major coastal storms, Congress tried to fix the program, passing a law in 2012 requiring that insurance premiums be recalculated to reflect risk.
Seattle Times(Nov 24, 2016)
Butchart says the researchers used the wrong parameters when recalculating the birds’ extinction risk and overestimated the species’ extinction risk.
Science Magazine(Nov 09, 2016)
But Greenspan insisted that Fed researchers go back and recalculate the numbers across 155 industries over four decades.
Time(Oct 21, 2016)
v calculate anew
The costs had to be recalculated
calculate, cipher, compute, cypher, figure, reckon, work out
make a mathematical calculation or computation




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